Friday, February 28, 2014

Downtown Friend Date

Yesterday Jenna and I went out downtown. We had the H&M store in mind when we went. I dropped off Mackey at the CDC (child development center) around 10:30 and Madison was already in there from the morning. Mackey loves going to the preschool class and Story is usually well behave when we go out anywhere, so I brought her along.

We headed out the gate and went toward the subway. I took the stroller with us so Story could sit down if she didn't want to walk. We had a lot of stairs to climb and go down so I felt bad that Jenna was having to help me out with them. Next time I will put both of the girls in CDC.

Side Note: The second set of stairs Jenna took Story and I was fixing to pick up the stroller until this man came by and picked up the stroller for me and took it down the stairs..It was the sweetest thing! Jenna then said..that would have never happen in the states.

When we got down to the subway I took out my map we got when we went on the subway tour. Both Jenna and me thought that we were suppose to go to Daegu Station to get downtown. We saw that we had so many stops before we got there and we would count them as we go.We get on the subway and had to stand for a couple of stops before some people got off before we could sit.

We were counting stops but also listening to the lady over the intercom. She told us that our stop was fixing to come up..but we thought we had two more stops from counting them out. We got off anyways and headed upstairs. None of what we saw looked familiar to us..but it had been a few weeks since the tour so we just rode it off that we just didn't remember too much. We finally got up to the very top and then realize we were right..none of this looked anywhere close to what we did on the tour. We decided that we may have only been a block or two away since Daegu Station is quite big. We went a block or two down and saw we were getting no where. We stopped at a cart nearby and ask a lady there if she knew where H&M was. She told us we had to go to the left and not the right like we were going. Jenna and I then got us a little pancake with sugar and cinnamon in it.

After we got those yummy treats we headed to the left like the lady told us.  We got down to the street and didn't see anything that looked like downtown, so we went back down the way we came. When we got back down to the subway area and Jenna asked a boy and girl were we needed to head. They told us to go up and out. I can't really explain where we were at. It was underground..but above the subway..there was a huge mall in the middle of it with so many comforters for beds that had Jenna and me drooling over. We kept on walking until we went through some doors that went into a Department store. Inside here we looked around for a bit at some make up stuff and some skin care stuff Jenna was talking to me about a couple days ago. Its called skin food..and its suppose to be wonderful for your skin so I bought some and the lady gave me some sample of it also.

We then proceeded around the store and walked out the door and found a girl that worked for the store. When we asked her where we should go to get to H&M or downtown she told us we got off at the wrong stop and that we needed to go back one stop. We were so did we mess this up?
Anyways..we got back on the subway and went one stop back and went upstairs to find YES...we made it!

It was around lunch we decided to go past H&M and get some food. I picked Burger King since Story was with us and well..I didn't know any other food places around there and that one I did know! We went in and ordered our food and sat down. Story had to I took her really quick and came back to wait on our food. Finally our food came and we all starting eating. Story didn't eat to well ..but mine was pretty good. I needed food in me to give me more energy ..cause I was running low from walking in all the wrong directions. We finished our food and went to throw our trash away. They do the whole recycling here and most of the trash cans have had in English what to put in each bin..but not this one. I stared at it for the longest..then tired to look in there to see if I could see other kinds of trash..but they were new bags. Finally someone else came to throw their food away and I waited to see what she did. It's funny the stuff you can't do my yourself when you can't read the language.

We then headed back toward H&M and finally stepped through the doors. We walked around the first floor a bit and then headed up the escalator to the second. On the second floor we found some jeans that we both liked..but none of them were going to fit me I know that! They were all so small! Story got out of her stroller and took a stroll around the store. I took a picture of her at the window of the store:

We then decided to go up the next floor to where the kids clothes were. As I was looking around the regular price stuff..I realized that these clothes are much higher than the one at our stores back home. There's no way I would pay some of those prices for those clothes! Most of you know my favorite place is the clearance racks so I walked over to them and found me some deals!
A little more than I would usually pay..but the girls need the gripper on the bottom of their socks for our house...$5.50



Dress $9 and Pants $5

I was definitely right about the prices..when I got home I looked up the stuff I saw.

After we checked out, we headed back down and out and walked down the street a bit to find Jenna a phone cover. We found a store and went in. Jenna's phone seems kinda rare here cause there weren't that many phone cases to look for it. She bought one for her husband and we were on our way. It was time to head home and we decided it would be better to take a taxi home. As we walked down to the end of the street we found another phone place and went in to see if they had a cover for Jenna's phone. They had a better selection and she finally found one for her phone.

After we left the store we caught a taxi and headed toward home. The only reason I don't like taking taxis is because in most of them..the seat belts do not work. I didn't have one in the middle and Story's seat belt did not work...grrrrrr. I just held on to Story real tight and she fell asleep. We finally got to the camp and Story didn't want to wake up! I had to force her out of the taxi! We then went though the gate and walked back to the CDC to pick up our kids. After we got them out we headed toward home and said goodbye to our friends.

After Story woke up from her nap Andrew came home and we all went out to play in the park. We then called our friends back and ask them if they wanted to play. Here are some pictures and videos of our play!

We had such a great time playing and asked our friends to have a Nachos dinner with us. We had a blast eating and talking with each other.

God has truly blessed me with such a friend I already feel really close to.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!
God Bless


  1. Hi Coby. I love reading your blog. I saw one time where you said people could ask you questions. This isn't about Korea, but I see you talk all the time about how you lay your girls down for naps. I was wondering how you got them to nap so well. Do you just lay them down and tell them to go to sleep and they do? What did you start out doing? I have to rock my daughter to sleep, and usually hold her during her naps, so I thought it could be really helpful to me if I found out how you established such a great nap routine from the start. It's kind of a different question, but it could really help me out, I think. Thanks. God bless you and your family.

    1. Hi there! Sorry it's been a while before I could answer you. My husband and I started putting them down for naps from the every start as babies. We did something called self soothing with our babies. We'd may sure all their needs were met (bottle,diaper) then laid them and they cried till we they fell asleep. It was very hard for me as a mother to do this in the beginning but it ends up for the better in the end. Now as toddlers and pre-schoolers we in force naps and they know they don't have a choice. I say it's nap time and put them in their beds and shut the doors. We don't put their toys in their rooms there is no chance of them trying to play while napping. I hope I answered your questions..but if you have more..feel free to contract me at !
