Sunday, February 23, 2014

Busan Weekend Trip Part 2

So... we woke up Saturday morning and quickly thought to ourselves...oh no what time is it..we have wasted the day away sleeping. We seriously thought it was around 10 or so. We then looked at my phone and discovered it was only 7:30. I guess we slept pretty good!

We kind of lounged around a bit while I got on my phone to see what there was to do in Busan. I saw where they have a Busan City Bus Tour and thought we might could go look into it. We all got ready and headed downstairs to check out.

After we got our car back from the elevator...we got in and "tried" to punch in where we needed to go. After a little while of driving through the city I told Andrew Busan was Daegu on crack. Just look at this intersection:

This is all one have cars coming from all directions..if we didn't have this GPS..we wouldn't have gotten anywhere! It told us which spot to turn so and so clock your will be making a 9 o'clock turn.

Here is another bad intersection:

We finally reached Busan Station where the tour buses were loading. We traveled around some other buildings to try to find parking. We came upon this man that was loading up his parking lot with cars and he told us to park in a weird parking space that...was not a parking space at all. Andrew asked him the best he could how much it would be for 5 or so hours. Andrew came back and said that he told him it would cost 30,000 Won an hour and we were totally out on that. We got back in the car to look for another place. We came up to this other parking lot...that actually looked like a parking lot and asked him how much..At first we thought he said it would be 150,000 Won for 5 or so hrs...but it turned out to be only 15,000 Won. This was much better than what we thought we would be paying and paid the dude in full.

We hopped on out of the car and walked over to where all the tourist were standing in line. Andrew looked at me and ask...Why do you think all these Koreans are going on the tour of Busan? My thought about it was that..Koreans don't travel a lot...and this was like going to the beach to them..a vacation. Plus ..Busan is the second largest city in Korea...there is so much to do there and they want to know all the hot places to go!

We stood in line for like 5 minutes when a Korean guy pulled us to the side and tried to communicate with us. When that failed..he took Andrew away...I'm guessing to someone that spoke English and was told by them that it would be a 2 and half hour wait. We were out on that and went back to our parked car where the parking dude gave us our money back.

I took a picture of Busan Station as we were leaving:

So..where to go now we thought. We had seen a Harley Davidson shop on our way to Busan Station and I remember that Chase (my brother-in-law) wanted us to pick up a shirt for him there. Chase works for a Harley Davidson shop in Alabaster and thought it would be cool to have a shirt that had Korea on it.

On our way there I took a picture of the police station:
It's not the best picture..but it's a police car that's crashed into the side of the building...I love how fun Koreans can be!

The GPS took us a different way back and lets just say..the GPS can act up a bit. It thinks we are on other roads when we aren' would should us to go on side roads when we weren't suppose to go on them...there was on telling how many times we went though this one tunnel and began to take u turns everywhere. It took us about an hour to get back when it only took us 25 minutes before.
We saw these colorful buildings like 10 times!

Finally after the longest trip ever...we made it to the Haley Davidson Shop. We parked on a little side street and went in.
That's right's two floors!

Downstairs-Front Desk and shop to the left




Upstairs- Motorcycles

There was a young woman working there that had a time playing with the girls!

We tried our best..but they didn't have any shirts with Korea on them in his size. All the Koreans are pretty small. We had a good time though and we walked out with nothing.

We then just started walking down the street just to find something to eat. We couldn't see anything on the main road so we took a left and found many eating places. It was a bit I wanted to go in somewhere and sit. We looked around for a little bit and I saw a place that looked nice.

This was the menu! Nothing more..nothing less

We picked the best we could and she went to frying them up.

This was our meal..those to the left are chicken nuggets and dumplings on a stick and that to the right is like a hotdog dumpling fried thingy and that other is a huge chicken breast fried type thing.

They had sauces to go with them..but I believe they were all spicy so we opted out. They were pretty good..not really lunch food..more like snack food. They did feel us up pretty good though. All they had was water to drink at this I was out on that..I don't trust their (Koreans) water. Best thing was our meal only costs us 5,000 won.

We decided that we would call it a day and head home. It was around 1:00 pm and we had had a stressful time with the driving in circles all day..back to good ole Daegu it was! Before we got in the car we stopped by a convenience store and got some snacks and something to drink.
We got some juice for the girls..some cookies..Andrew an ice cream and coke..and Andrew an Gatorade type drink in a can and a pepsi
 We also got some of the best looking strawberries from there..they were 9,000 Won:

Story was in flavor of getting the strawberries!

Took a picture of Andrew Gatorade type drink...his pepsi can was also this size.

On the way back..I decided to take a picture of the toll booths:
I think we have decided that we will be getting a HiPass that allows you to go through with no waiting or having to have cash on you.

It took us longer to get home than it did to come..but I think that's because we went a different way.
We made it home in one piece and ran by the commissary before we got home to get some milk for the girls.

When we got home we all laid down for a nice little well needed nap. We then had us a good spaghetti dinner and had our little Bible study. This one was about the Sower and the seed that fell on good soil...we had went over the others ( the seeds that fell on the path..the seeds that fell on rocky ground..and the seeds that fell on thorns) on the nights before. We asked Mackey before we started...where did the seeds fall we talked about the day before and she answered in the thorns and we asked what happen to them and she answered..they got choked out by the thorns. We were amazed that she remember what we said two days ago. She is one smart cookie!

Saturday was a pretty good day..I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday ..we had a great one! More about it tomorrow!

God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Great day! You will know this country backwards by the time we get there! Love and miss you baby! Say hello and tell them we love them!
