Monday, February 17, 2014

First time to visit the Orphanage

Yesterday was so much fun!

 We started off with going to church at the 9:00 service. I invited my friend Kelly to come with us to morning service, then after we would go to the orphanage . This orphanage we were going to is for disabled children and Kelly specializes in the disabled at home.

We drove to church and met Kelly at the entrance. We walked in and sat down to waited for the service to start. Service began soon and the Chaplin talked about changing the way Christians live each day of the week and not just on Sundays. Also about teaching our family to pray and seek God's word for themselves. Most children aren't going to seek God for themselves, it's up to us parents to install that within them.

To tell you the truth...this is all I remember from the message considering I had other things on my mind.... 

But ...the message was still good and on point..I need to be a better Christian in my day to day walk, so my daughters will be better Christians in theirs.

After church ended we all gathered in the back of the church and we figured out who we were to follow. Kelly saw some friends that she knew and rode with them. The orphanage wasn't but a couple miles down the road thankfully!
When we pulled up I thought a picture of the building outside.
We found out later that this is a Christian orphanage

When we stepped in the doors, we immediately took our shoes off and slipped on some house shoes. Then we walked down the hall and took them off and walked in the room where we were having the party. Every 3rd Sunday of the month the church we go to comes here and has a birthday celebration for all those that had a birthday that month. They said that some of them just like to come celebrate with there friends even though they haven't had a birthday that month.

There was a stage where we set up the table with the birthday cakes, cookies, crackers, and juice boxes. Behind the table they hang up a Birthday banner.
Here are the girls when we first got there:

Side note: Andrew and I have heard of the heated floors here...that's how they heat the room in Korea. At our's not like that..we have a regular heater. When I walked in this room the floors felt so nice and toasty!

We waited a little bit for the kids to come in because we got there a little early. Soon the kids started to walk in one after the other and they all sat in the floor waiting for the party to begin. We started off with a prayer and thanking God for this wonderful day. Then the Chaplin read a little scripture and the translator repeated it in Korean for them. Then another man came up to the front and we all stood and sang "Father Abraham" in Korean as we did a little silly dance.

Then it was time to ask if anyone would like to come up and sing or say anything. I wish I had my phone near by so I could have recorded some of them. This one little boy ( I believe he had down's syndrome) loved being up there and working the was too cute. After all the Korean kids were done..some of the English ones went up ..I called on Mackey and Story to sing "Jesus Loves Me". Mackey willing went to the front and so did Story..but when she reached it..she turned back to me and sat in my lap and started to cry softly. Mackey was a little more timid then she normally is singing in front of people..but everybody in the room chimed in and helped.

After the singing, we all sang Happy Birthday and all the Korean kids got to come blow out the candles on the cake. Andrew and I were given the pleasure of cutting and handing out the cake. We were told to cut 2x2 in squares..but mine were more like 1x1 opps! It didn't matter though cause if they wanted more they just came and got more...which they did...over and these kids could eat some cake!!

After serving Andrew and I got to spend a little bit of time with the kids before they had to go back to  life as they know it.
This little dude was so funny..he was the only one that made a mean face instead of smiling!

This little girl was so sweet..Andrew got to talk to her and told her she was beautiful and she said thank you in English.

This little dude loved to take pictures!

Mackey playing with her new friend

When we got back home Andrew and I talked about the orphanage and about how we were glad that the kids there seemed happy and that it was less heart aching knowing they are well cared for.

When the girls woke up from their nap Andrew decided to introduce the them to the cartoon Batman..we decided to go a head a buy Amazon Prime and they have a lot of good movies to watch:

While we was doing that..I started cooking and Story asked for the Maytoes:


We had a pretty good day!

I'm totally excited to show you our new piece of furniture tomorrow though..look for it!

God Bless you all!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful day! So glad it was a good experience. Mackey and Story will love those trips. Can't wait to see your furniture also. Glad facetime worked out. I will see Reanna today and see what day would be good for her. I think Thursday night for us and it would be Friday morning around 10:00. Let me know ifs it not a good time. Love and miss you baby!
