Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Play date!

We had a slow start yesterday morning.

The first of the day the girls and I laid around till about 9:30 am and then I got the girls dressed to get out a bit. I decided we would go by the CDC and pay our bill for the day I took the spouse orientation. Andrew had picked up the girls that day and didn't know that I brought one of the strollers with me that morning. When he picked up the girls if left the stroller.

We walked over to the CDC(Child Development Care) and paid our bill and I told the lady at the front desk that we left our stroller there. She told me that if we left it..it should be in the corner where I left it. I looked twice! No stroller...poo...someone must have gotten it!

After that, I decided to go the PX to get some stuff we needed. When I first got there Andrew called me and told me that we would be coming home for lunch. I told him that we were out at the moment and that he could meet us for lunch at the PX. He said "That's 2 hours away from now, you really think you'll be there that long?"Each time we had gone in the PX, we just went to get what we needed and I wanted to look around just like any other woman likes to look around.

I first started in the women's section and saw nothing I wanted and quickly went over to the kids. Mackey is hitting another growth spurt and the jeans I have brought with me are getting shorter and shorter. Considering we won't get all our stuff till they said the end of March, I went looking for Mackey some jeans. I had no luck through, they rarely had any 5t jeans and the ones they had wouldn't have worked. I guess I will have to keep her in her skinny jeans so she can wear boots to hide them being too short till we get our stuff.

I then headed toward the shoe department and quickly found a pair of shoes that looked interesting. I picked them up and found that they weighed practically nothing. I tried them on and felt heaven on my feet. With the name Skechers GOwalk...I figured they would do great on days we go out and have to walk everywhere. Here they are:

Seriously if you haven't heard of this shoe and you do a lot of walking..I would try these out!!

I then took a look at the girls shoes and had no luck there..Mackey's tennis shoes are a little beat, but maybe we can make till she goes up a size.

When I was done, I headed over to the ladies beauty aisle. They sell like Clinique, bareMinerals, Estee Lauder, Victoria's Secret, Bath &Body Works, Smashbox, The Body Shop, Essie, O.P.I and more. While I was looking at fragrances my two wild childs were finding something to play with. A watch towel full of watches. Then I heard a snap and I look up and Story is holding a part of the display in her hands. Great! Might not have been the smartest thing to do ( or right thing :(  ) but I place it down on another counter for someone else to find. I did look to see if I could see a salesperson that worked there around so I could tell them...but no one was there..oh well.

After I left that part of the department I headed to get the girls their Flintstone Vitamins that they love oh so dearly. Then I walked down the body wash/shampoo/conditioner aisle and found this:
Andrew and I are running out of our shampoo we love, but they don't carry it here...I thought this might be ok till we shopped amazon.

The next aisle over a got some of the best lotion ever..I don't know if it is really..I just know that Korea's weather has taken a toll on my skin. I am so dry!!!!
This definitely works for me.

Then another aisle over was the nail/ feet section and boy do my feet need some lovin'!

and BAM!
We were so wrong mom!!...it's actually a lot more to have a pedi and mani here than back in The States!BOO!!!     Who would have thought?

Anyways...again with the dry skin...my face has looked horrible in makeup lately cause my face is soo dry...lets try this

We then took a little time just browsing and then came up to the blankets. Mackey told me she wanted one like I had so she picked out a nice dark purple one.

About this time Andrew called and said he was on his way. I took our stuff to the register and she begin ringing me up and Andrew walked through the door.

He helped me get done and walked over to the food court to get us some Taco Bell ;) YUM
There were a lot of soldiers there that day..more than I'm use to and Andrew said that by this time next week there will be a lot more than that! Something about it's that time of year the do drills and preparing and stuff.

After we ate we went over to the home and garden PX to pick up the a laundry basket. I also wanted something that we could hang our clothes on that didn't go in the dryer.

This was perfect!

When we left that store, I dropped Andrew off at work and went back home to let the girls nap. After they got up from their nap I called our new friends to see if they would like to go play outside. Madison was asleep at the time, but her mother told me when she woke up she'd give us a call. The girls and I got back ready and headed outside to play. It wasn't but a couple minutes later Jenna texted to say they would be joining us shortly.

We had a really great time talking and getting to know each other better and the girls played great. Mackey decided that she was thirsty so we asked our new friends if they'd like to go back to our house and keep playing and chatting. They agreed and we went back home.

I'm such a stalker when it comes to Facebook when she first friended me I went through all her pictures and recent posts. One of her post she but up pictures of her new house..that looks just like ours in layout but different in some spots. I told her of my stalking and she asked to see mine. I was so glad she did..cause I would have been thinking the same thing if we were in her house.

Anyways! I'm very happy I made a friend here and hope our friendship continues to grow including our children's friendship.

Well..that is it my friends..it is bed time for this little horse ( yes, I did just say that, I'm tired).

Goodnight..I mean Good morning to all

God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great day! Hate that the medi and pedi costs more. Thats crazy!! Have you looked into about me sending you things over? Do you know about how to do it or anything? Me and you are so much alike. So you need to look it up for me. If its as simple as going to PO and just mailing it, let me know. Don't know about the cost, it might not be worth it. Let me know. Love you baby!!! Enjoyed the facetime!
