Friday, February 7, 2014

Spouse Orientation

Yesterday I got to have a little alone time...well, at least away from the girlies! I had spouse orientation at 9:00 am in the morning. What is spouse orientation your wondering..well..I'm going to tell you a little bit..stay with me.

I dropped off the girls off at the CDC (Child Development Center) around 8:45 so I could have time to walk over the the Chapel (where the meeting was being held). The girls did great..Mackey walked in her classroom and acted like she had been there for years. I was a little worried when we started to take Story to her classroom down the hall. I was thinking at the moment , I wish they could stay in the same room, but Story surprised me. We walked in her room, took off her coat and a BOY (for those who know Story will get that) walked up and ask Story if she'd to go play. Off she went and didn't look back at me once. Let's just say I packed it out of there quick as I could so she wouldn't get the chance. 

Then I walked down the street to the Chapel and walked in. It was a pretty cold day and it was nice to feel the wonderful warmth inside. Another lady and I were one of the first to sit down and she had a lovely baby girl waiting with her. We chatted up a bit, while others started to make their way in. It was then time to start and the guy in charge was named Joe. They handed some bags out to us that had some books and packets of papers. Joe started out by introducing.... hmmm( don't remember his name)...well I not very good at the whole military rank thing ...but I know this man was up there! Anyways, this guy started talking to us about the paper packets they printed out for us of maps, important numbers (like OFF base emergency line, military police, clinics, housing), Upcoming Classes on first aid/CPR, Apple Tree gift shop/thrift shop on base,volunteering,registered realtors, trash/recycling, ration status, energy conservation(it's really expensive here), mold(it gets very humid here), sources of information(radio/weather channels), NEO bags (if we needed to get out of the country in a hurry (like war or something) the things we would need), and employment work permit in case I'd like to get a job off post. Boring...yes I know.

Then we went over these little books:

This book is made by Canadians and some other people that live here in Korea that aren't in the military. It shows you all the hot stuff that's going on in and around Korea. Like good places to eat and shop.

This book has everything you want to know about what's going on , on all the bases. Like bingo on Camp Henry or bowling on Camp Walker. Also dances and groups you can sign up for. They even have skiing trips they go on .This book can tell you everything you want to know about entertainment on the camps. A new one comes out each month!

This book is just a list of places around the camps that would be good to know.

Well, after the books he talked about all kinds of different stuff like getting your driver's license (done that) and getting your ration card.

There were other speakers though out the orientation. One woman talked about child care and school age children..becoming a substitute teacher so on and so on. A man talked about the clinic here on base..and pretty much told us we couldn't use it lol (already knew that). Joe talked to us about traveling and going on the subway tour ( we are going on it tomorrow). Another man over housing (Andrew knows him) talked to us about getting housing and how to be safe about it and other stuff . Joe talked to us some more about other things..I can't even remember..that was yesterday!

Then when everybody was done talking they took us on a bus tour of all the camps. Right before we left the Chapel me and another woman..Kelly..started chatting up. As we walked outside we saw that it was snowing.

I took a picture hoping you could see the luck!
Then we hopped on the bus and took a trip around Walker.

This is Joe (super nice guy)...I told Joe he would be on my blog! lol

Mean while, Kelly and I were chatting pretty good and I was not paying much attention as I should have been to the tour. Joe clearly told where I was suppose to go to get my ration card and I fail when Andrew ask where it was (we looked everywhere). But I made a new friend..SCORE! After the tour Joe told us we would have lunch on Camp Herny before we went back to Camp Walker. Kelly and I decided to eat at the Katusa Bar. The Katusa Bar has real Korean food for cheap prices. This was the first time to eat here and I order the hot spicy pork and rice. Thank you Lisa Wolanzyk for the was delicious!! 

After we got done eating and talking we headed over to the Krispy Kreme Donuts place..but they were closed :( . Then we headed back to Henry's Place where Joe said he was going to meet us to go back to Camp Walker. While waiting on Joe and the others, Andrew called and told me to stay put, that he would go pick up the girls and bring them there to Camp Henry. We had some business to take care of there and after we got done, he sent us back home in a taxi. When going back through gate#4 I gave my ID to the taxi driver and he handed it to the guard . The guard said something to him and he took something else out of his wallet and handed it to them. Then this other guy was staring at us in the back seat. He told the driver to roll down my window and he did so. I was getting very nervous at the point. He stared at me and ask .."Do both the girls have their seat belts on. I told him yes and showed him even through it was very obvious if he just had looked at them. He continually to stare, I don't know why...but then let us through. Let's just say my heart was racing..and probably for no reason.

Andrew later got off work and went by the PX to grab some stuff and food for dinner..
This was the end to our day..Yay..well after staying up to write my Blog ;)

Hope each and everyone has a lovely Friday...we get to hook up Hulu Plus tonight..YES!

God Bless



  1. Glad you had some "me" time. Happy about the girls liking their school. Did they tell you what they did? Let me know how they did and if they want to go back. You will have a lot of nerve wacking times not knowing everything but time and experience will help a lot. I know by the time we come see y'all you will know everything. Love and miss you baby!
