Thursday, February 6, 2014

House Tour

 So yesterday was the BIG day. We finally moved into our house after being in our hotel room for a week and a half. I found out today that we didn't have to wait as long as most people do. God bless them, I was going a little stir crazy just in the time we were there.

Andrew and I woke up around 6:30 am , got our showers and got dressed. We had packed most everything in the hotel room the night before but still had a few stuff to put away.

Andrew left for work and I waited till the kids woke up to feed them breakfast. Andrew told me to just be ready, that he didn't know what time he was coming to get us. I heard 9:30 lol. The girls got up around 8:00 am and I continued to do our same routine. Clean bed,breakfast,bathe girls, get ready to go. I have a sweet picture of the girls in the tub..but I think I will leave that out.

I got everything ready early and waited till 9:30 impatiently. Well, 9:30 rolled around and there was no Andrew! 10:00 came around, and no Andrew! 10:30 came along a no Andrew...finally around 10:45 or so Andrew came walking through the door with a luggage dolly. He had someone from housing outside with a truck waiting for us so we acted quickly. Soon all our luggage was loaded up and I checked us out of the hotel. We finally made it over the house and quickly started to unload our stuff. When we were all finished , I started to take a look around.This was the first time seeing inside of the house and I was getting a little excited going from room to room. It was a lot better looking then what I imaged. 

Here is the video of our house tour I took...mind you it doesn't have our furniture or my style stamped on it yet...but I think it has major promise!


The only disappointment I had right away was that we weren't going to be able to paint. You can paint it, but you have to get approval of you colors (which is would be easy) but when you move out you have to get the color back to its original form or pay 2,800 American dollars for them to fix it. Andrew talked to the guy that's over housing and he said no one has EVER gotten it back to its original color. So we WILL NOT be painting. I decided in the end, it wouldn't be such a bad thing to keep it white. I could make it colorful by hanging stuff and hopefully painting a couple paintings myself.

Any who, after we got all our stuff in, we started thinking of all the stuff we didn't have, like pans, silverware, plates, cups etc etc..and made us a list of what we would need. Andrew called his sponsor Mike and he told us he would take us over to the housing place to see what they would lend out to us while we wait for our stuff to come in. Before we did that we went to eat at Burger King. We ate and then the girls decided to play in their indoor play place.

While in there, they made a friend and so did I! She later found me on Facebook..and we became Facebook friends..YAY!

After we ate and played, we walked back to Mike's office and he took us to Camp Henry (housing is located there). We made it safely and headed on in to find us some kitchen stuff. They already had it ready for us and we were out the door pretty quick! Andrew stayed on Camp Henry to wrap up some other stuff and Mike took the girls and I back home (HOME! Yay). 

When Andrew got home we ran over to the PX and bought a whole bunch of goodies. We needed 2 twin sheets, 1 queen sheet, 6 pillows, boom with dust pan, microwave,TV, cleaning stuff, hanger etc etc. We also got the internet connections put in that afternoon. I spent the rest of the day unpacking our suitcases and organizing the dresser drawers. Plus putting up the kitchen stuff. I took me a good bit and I still had to write the blog for the day.

It was a pretty crazy day!

God did good...we are very happy with our new house and we even agreed that when we got back to the States , we could totally live in something like it.

Time for bed, Goodnight everyone...haha I mean Good morning!



  1. So glad you like the house. You will make it your own, give it time. You can do anything with white. Any color, any room. Love to you baby and Andrew and Mackey and Story. Going to see mom today, have us a little outing. I will tell her y'all said hi. Call me anytime and 10 or 11 will be fine, we are usually home.

  2. When I was commenting I hadn't seen the video of the house. Its really nice, a lot nicer than I was thinking it would be. Love the doll on Story's bed. The girls seem happier there already, so do you! The neighborhood looks good also. Love you baby! Oh love the hello from Mackey!

  3. Just finished the video, Jimbo came up and started watching it. He likes the house too! Love what you said about the girls locking you out! Whats so funny is that, it wasn't a joke. Tell them we love them!

  4. So glad you are HOME! It also has a dishwasher which I know was important to you. You all look happier having space to move around. White will be great. You can add color through pillows, curtains, and of course your own art work. Thanks for the tour. Out best to you all. T
