Thursday, February 13, 2014

Bible Study

Yesterday started early..the girls are not use to it getting up at this time yet.

I made pancakes for the first know the kind you make out of the box..HA..I always bought the frozen mini ones for the girls. Well...lets just say I didn't do so well ...well..I did better than what I thought I was going to do..but...I did burn some of the outsides of them and then some of them I didn't cook all the way.

I kept lowering the eye on the stove so I wouldn't burn the outside..but that's what made them not cooked in the middle...well lesson learn..use a lower heat at first.

Here is the fam "enjoying" my breakfast...I also "made" (microwaved) linked sausage.

After breakfast and a little of TV watching, Andrew went to work and I started getting ready for a women's Bible study at 10:00 am. 

Around 9:50 we left the house and walked to the Chapel annex building where the Bible study was going to be. We walked in and was greeted by Schylene, the lady I met at Church that told me about the Bible study group. She told me there was a place for the kids to go and directed me to the building and room they would be in. Mackey went to the "older" room and Story with the toddlers. They did so good leaving me and I knew they would have fun playing with other kids.

We went back to the other building and there was a table that people were putting food on. A couple of women greeted me and it was time to go sit in the worship area. They played a song or two and had announcements and such.

After announcement we had a daily devotional and forgive me I forgot the name of the lady that spoke it but it was about Rahab. Rahab was a prostitute when two spies from Joshua came to her to seek cover in her house. She protected them and planned their escape (she could have been bought to death by doing this). These men were there on a mission to over throw the enemies of His people. She lead them out safely and later became an ancestress in the royal line from which Jesus came as the Saviour of lost souls.

After devotion we sang again. To tell you the truth..I was so trying to enjoy the singing..but I felt a little awkward and couldn't seem to get in the mindset of worshiping..bummer..but maybe next time.

After the singing we split up into two study groups..One was learning about how to pray for your husband and the other was learning about the books of the bible. Truthfully, I could use some pointers in both, but chose the one about praying for you husbands. Andrew is at a new job that could be taking a toll on him(through he might not admit it) stressfully. Plus, I need to start praying for him more anyways since he is the leader of the house and has harder decisions to make. BTW..I realized from this group that Andrew is doing a wonderful job of being the spiritual leader for our family as well. I'm sure I will get much from going to this study.

After the Bible study I picked up the kiddos and walked home. I made the girls some lunch then put them down for a nap. It was a very short nap mind you cause at 2:20 pm we had a doctors appointment at the clinic for the girls to get a physical done. Mackey will be starting t-ball in just a  couple of months so we need to get those done so she can play. They were... ok the doctors (remember...short nap) made my laugh when the doctor there found out how big Mackey was for her age (96 percentile) and how small Story was for her age (10 percentile) ...she asked me if Story wasn't eating well..and I told her no..she ate  and we then dropped the physicals off a the CDC for their records also.

After that we came back home and I tried to get the girls to take another nap while I cleaned up the house a bit. Andrew came home from work and we ate some sausage alferdo for dinner. I made some cookies this night which turned out PERFECTO! 

We ended the night with our little Bible study for the girls and talked about little kids that don't have a mommy and daddy. The girls were so sweet talking about how..they don't have parents..but we can be their friends. Too cute....and oh yes..we are very excited about this coming Sunday because it will be our first time to go with the church over to the orphanage! Please put us in your prayers!

Bless you all 
The Brands

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