Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Oh please don't shoot us!

Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........Man it has been one long and tiresome day!

Any who...yesterday..Yes yesterday.   The girls and I made our first trip off the base alone. We had a check up at the doctors we went to the week before. Mackey had a double ear infection and bad sinus infection on top and Story was coughing just about non stop.

 Our doctors visit was at 9:00 am..I know I know..we can't do anything in the afternoon can's always early in the morning! Well, we got dress and ate breakfast and were all ready to go. The last thing I needed to do was call a taxi. You see, even things like calling a taxi make me nervous. I called down to the lobby to see if they would do it for me. Andrew had done that once, and I figured..that's just what they do. But no, I called down there and he gave me the number to call it myself. As he was giving me the number, he asked if I would be making this call from a cell phone or from the hotel (here in Korea they have different numbers you call from certain things). I told him I would like to call from the hotel and he tried to tell me how, but his accent was heavy and I didn't understand him.I asked him it felt like 20 times to repeat it. I panicked (cause thats what I do) and told him I understood and thank you. After I got off the phone, I stared at it and was wondering what I was going to do. Then, I loaded up the girls and went down stairs to the lobby. I walked up to the front desk and said " I couldn't get it to call the number ( I felt like if I told him I couldn't understand him it would make him sad...yes..this is what goes through my mind). He called the taxi for me and told it where I wanted to go. Then we sat in the lobby and that is where I took these pictures I put on Facebook yesterday:

The taxi came very fast and we jumped on in and off we went. I showed him the little piece of paper I had that said take me to Hyosung Hospital in Korean. I felt just fine doing this by myself, but the other stuff that was coming up I needed a little help from up above for confidence and nerves. I had said a little prayer this morning and also asked a friend to pray for the same thing for me. Thank you Joelle :)!! We made it to our destination and I paid the taxi 5,000 Wons. We ended up at the Women's hospital but I knew the children's was just down the street. I hoped on in the Women's hospital cause that's where the translator that helped us late time works. I'm guessing that they weren't open yet cause no body was there. I decided to leave and go into the children's part by myself. 

The night before, Andrew downloaded a new app for me on my phone that lets me type in any sentence or word and it will translate it into Korean. I told myself I could use it if I got desperate! I took a number and wait for my turn in line. When my number came up and I went up to the desk I was already feeling defeated. I tried my best at telling her what I needed..just a check up. Last time, the receptionist just called the translator, but I knew she wouldn't be doing that cause she wasn't at work yet. Finally, we got through it after I proceeded to try and use my app translator on her. We made it upstairs where the doctors office is located and waited till our time came up to see him. I sat there thinking to myself, what am I going to do if the translator doesn't show up! In the mean while, two Korean women sat in front of us and was saying something in Korean. Then Jessica, our translator popped out of no where and said, She said she's beautiful pointing to Story. Jessica and I talked a little bit and our name came up shortly to go in. The doctor said Mackey still had an ear infection and Story's went away but still had her cough. He decided to put them on more medicine and Jessica , the girls and I headed downstairs to pay the bill. She then directed us to a different pharmacy then the last one we went to cause they speak better English. Jessica then left and I was on my own again! The girls were getting into everything in the pharmacy store so I tried to pay the bill and get out of there as fast as I could. We headed outside and I was determined to flag down a taxi. Even the thought of that made me nervous! As I was looking down the street for a taxi, an elder Korean woman came running up to us (I was holding Story at the time) and grabbed Story's hand smiling and saying something I didn't understand and she seemed just so happy! It made me laugh and helped calm my nerves. Suddenly, someone was getting out of a taxi near us and I just hopped us right on in there after she got out. I gave the taxi my little paper that said "take me to gate #6" and we were off.

Now here's something you might not know. There are certain kind of taxi's that are the only ones that are allowed to go on base, and this was not one of them. I knew this at the time and thought he would just drop me off close to the gate like the last one I took with Andrew. But no! When we got near the gate, he decided to drive up to the gate where a guard met us and was waving for us to go away very harshly. I paid the driver quickly and tried to jumped out of the cab with the girls..but Mackey decided she was going to take her sweet time. I then decided to drag her out of it which she didn't like very much. It probably looked pretty bad at the time, but it got the job done and I didn't get arrested for abusing my child. I just knew we needed to let this cab leave as fast as possible before there was more than just harsh waving and loud words. We then made it through clearance and walked all the way back to the hotel. Did I tell you it was the second coldest day since we'd been here. 

We made it back to the hotel and I got to sit down and relax for an hour of so before we had to head out again . This time we got to walk around the base again and landed ourselves at the CVC (aka where Mackey and Story will be going to preschool). I had an orientation at 11:00 am and they told me all about the place and rules and showed us Mackey's classroom she will be in this September. Mackey was truly excited about this place and keep on calling it her Sunday school.

It was a wild day for me, but not as wild as today. Be sure not to miss tomorrow's blog...we moved into our new house today and I will probably be making a video of the house. I also have spouse orientation tomorrow, so I might know a lot more information than I do now.

As for me right now...It's wayyyyy past bedtime and I'm running on coke fumes..

God bless you all!


  1. Oh Coby! Such a day! We knew there would be days like that and more to come, but good days will be there also. Just think are my only daughter that has held a cab in Korea! Hoping that better days will come to you fast. May you always know God and James is with you to help. Love you baby!!!

  2. Now that you've done it you KNOW you can do it! Nerves should be better next time out?
