Sunday, February 2, 2014

Out on the town!

What an adventure we went on yesterday! We decided in the morning we would eat some lunch here at the hotel and put the girls down for an early nap. After the girls got up from their sleep, we all got ready and headed out on the town.

Here is the video of our day:

There are two gates on Camp Walker and we decide to go out gate #6. Andrew said he thought he saw a market around there while traveling with Mike his sponsor. We walked a little ways down and every store we went pass was closed. We thought are adventure was going to be cut short, but we decided to keep on walking. We had a sudden impulse to turn off of the main street and turn right into what look like a neighborhood in the city. That is where we took the video of the power pole. It was so strange being at the place and moment. We were the only Americans around and there were two or three Korean men hanging around doing who knows what. Andrew suddenly said, "If this was any other town in the US, I would scared for my life." I totally felt the same way, and a tiny part of me was and quickly realized that we were safe. You see, in Korea, civilians aren't allowed to have guns. There is very little crime here. It is one of the safest countries in world (4th according to this website

We then begin walking again and took a left back on the main road. We went down the road a bit and saw the market that Andrew had seen with Mike. Before we crossed the road to go in , a Korean man stopped with us and was admiring Story. He kept on saying "BEAUTIFUL...BEAUTIFUL". Koreans loves people with blonde hair...I guess because they don't see it that often. She gets quite the attention here! We finally cross the street and walk into the market. This is where I started taping. Everything was pretty much empty so we decided to leave.

We traveled quite a while, probably 10 minutes, lol...remember I'm out of shape :). Still nothing was open, yet we came up on a fruit/snack/grocery store stand and heard the What does a fox say song and stopped. I stood there standing around with the kids and Andrew went off to see if they sold bottle water. He came back and told there was a small grocery store in the back. I didn't realize the place was that big when we came up to it. We bought some water and cookies and went on our way. It felt like we had been walking forever and was wondering where we were. I then recognized a huge Buda statue that Andrew and I can see from the hotel we are staying at and it's pretty far away. We turned around and started walking back and saw a pretty street to the the left (again away from the main street).

We thought it looked very nice and clean and much prettier than other ones we've seen so we headed down it. Here are some other pictures that we took down this street.

Meat Store

More power lines 

Church of some kind

Well...I little bit later, I took us on a wild goose chase up and down streets and around corners and such. When I said up and down ...I mean up and down. The streets are like roller coasters. Streets back home are mostly flatten out when paved. Here it looks like they just left whatever was there (hills, bumps you name it) and paved over it.Finally we made it back to the main road and wondered down the sidewalk until we found the "parking lot" in the middle of the road. We then turned around and turned right onto another street. Mackey and Story were a little worn out at the time and Andrew and I had to start carrying them. By the time we got down that street, Andrew asked if I could eat and I said YES!

We found a little restaurant and decided it's now of never and hopped on in. We stepped in and looked around. A Korean woman walked up to us and pointed somewhere to go. We were standing in the restaurant, but to the sides and back there were these little rooms shut off from the rest of the place. Below was a place to take your shoes off. She pointed to one of the rooms and we started throwing the shoes off. It was a weird experience , taking your shoes off in a restaurant in front of everyone. We hopped on in and waited a little while. I then remembered from a youtube video I watched about Korea that there was a buzzer at the end of the table and your waitress will not come if you don't push it.

We pushed the button and ask her for some menus. She ask ...English menu? We nodded and she said "Come here". She took me outside in front of the restaurant which was a little embarrassing cause I was standing outside starring at this thing with only my socks on my feet. There wasn't much to choose from , but I made my choice and went back in the place and told Andrew to go out and do the same. As he came back in , he told me he ordered for the both of us (he showed the waitress what we wanted by pointing to it) and we started to wait. That's when I got out the video camera and iPhone.

We waited for it seemed like forever, Andrew was hoping that she understood that we wanted to order the things that he pointed out. We have got to learn some Korean!! In time, she bought out our first dish..
Yes People...That is Octopus!

It was very good, but very spicy! Andrew who even likes spicy food said it was too spicy! This might be a really good dish for Chase my brother-in-law(he puts hot sauce on everything). The girls loved the octopus. I even tried it, and it wasn't bad at all. I wanted to keep eating it cause it was really good, but my mouth was saying "no way jose!".

A little bit after our first dish was out ,here came our last:
In the middle is stir fry and all around is different kind of sea vegs like carrots and cucumbers

The girls loved the shrimp which were gone in like 2 minutes(you can see in the first picture..there were no shrimp left on the plate). We left a hole lot of food on the table but we where all done. I left wishing I could eat more of the first dish, darn taste buds, if only I didn't need them.

The whole bill for all this food came out to be 36,000 won. Which is a little less than $36. Not bad at all!! Especially since we got to have a real Korean restaurant experience!!

We left and headed back to the base toward gate #4. It was a wonderful evening and we had a pretty good time.

Side note: It's like 50 degrees here and we see all these Koreans bundled up like it's freezing outside. I was wearing just a sweater and some jeans and was burning up all day! I guess now we know how the north feels about the south back in the States.

Well ladies and gentlemen...It's 11:05 pm here...way past my bedtime I'm going to call it a night..

If you have any questions...please ask them! I will answer to the best of my knowledge!

Love you all and God Bless!


  1. Oh what a day! Sounds like a good trip. So glad you enjoyed the food and that the girls did too! Wasn't worried about Andrew, I know he will eat anything. Boy I love you writing about your journey, but its making me miss you so much more! I am going to take my mac and see why I can't facetime, we haven't gotten into town yet. Miss you and yours so much! Love to you all!

  2. Looks like Mackie feels better. Hope Story is on the mend. Glad the girls liked to food too. PM me your face time name. Will try to face time you sometime.
