Thursday, February 20, 2014

Bible Study Wednesday

To start..I'm very sorry there was no post for yesterday..I didn't really do anything other than go to the grocery store when Andrew got home from work I needed a one night break from writing.

But ...back to normal... Yesterday was well needed!

I had Bible study again  and this week it was a special Bible study class. This week when I arrived I dropped the girls off to their class and headed into the church's chapel. Usually we have it in the church's annex building. When I got into the church there wasn't but a few people there already. I might have be 10 minutes early. Sunday, Kelly told we that she was going this week to the Bible study so I was excited to have someone I've spent time with being there with me. At 9:59 Kelly told that she was sorry and was running late and would be there in a bit. I was thinking to worries..nobody else is here either! We started around 10:15 with a couple of songs ...then announcements and new comers welcome greeting type thing. I saw Kelly in the back filling out some paperwork and she came to sit with me when she got done. We then had worship and boy was I ready for it!  I don't know if it was the songs..or I've just been a little emotional this week ..but I was definitely feeling His presence and teared up like a big baby. You know...there are sometimes..I just want to let go the feeling that I might look weird or strange worshiping the Lord with all my heart( I can't stay I've even truly done it)..I always hold back..I wish I could just be brave and give him my All!  I think the devil puts that doubt in our heads..but it's lie

I just know that..I use to see people hold their hands up in church..but it was like an domino effect...people saw one person do they thought they should do it...I found it I think that's why I never would do it and still to this day.

I just know I'm gonna have to stop trying to think about what others think of my worship and just let go..cause it's not for's for HIM.

Any who! Music was I said my face was all wet and luckily I had some tissues with me to clean it up.

We then had a Chaplin come to talk to us about the 5 Love Languages. Those of you that haven't heard of them need to look them up...they are a great way of finding out how to love others..better!

He basically just went through all of them and told us how we could use them. They also had us take home a quiz to find out our own and our spouses. I found out that my primary love language is Words of Affirmation and my secondary is Acts of Service. Andrew's primary is Quality Time and he's secondary is Acts of Service. For those who don't know about the 5 love languages..I'll put them down in short.

Words of Affirmation- (Ex.)You feel most loved by someone telling what a great job you nice you look today..or You are best at making cupcakes!

Acts of Service- You feel most loved when someone helps to wash the dishes..or when someone does something for you

Quality Time-  You feel most loved when someone is spending unerupted time (no cell tv.... Intentional time with a sense of them listening to you and responding

Gifts- You feel most loved when someone gives you a gift...doesn't have to be anything big..can be as small spouse getting you your favorite candy bar when she goes to the grocery store or a small note..just to say I love you.

Physical Touch- You feel the most loved when someone shares Hugs...Kisses..cuddling on the couch..holding hands..being close..and know the rest :)

So yea...Just find out your spouses love language and fill there love tank up!

After the "class" we had a pasta lunch in one of the rooms off to the side of the church. I took some pictures for you..the room was too pretty not to!

Did they know I was coming?? YUM!

Cheesecake..brownie type things? Chocolate jealous!

Did they know my girls would be here too!?!

Kelly and I sat our stuff down and went to go get our food. We piled it on and came to sit back down and there were two other women that made it over to our table as well. Let just say we had some pretty good conversations considering we were almost the last people there. I would have stayed longer ..but the girls were at the point where they needed a nap..and fast!

I forgot to put a the top of the post where Story decided that she was going to walk all the way to the church cause she didn't wait to sit in Mackey's lap. Here's she is posing:
She is getting to where she LOVES to take pictures.

On the way back home it was really cold..and I was so ready to be inside and putting the girls down for a nap. I made Story sit in Mackey's lap on the way home cause it's just faster that way. Well..we get house away from ours and Mackey sees a bird from a far on the ground of our neighbors yard. Mackey is yelling at me..Momma..a bird ..a bird...I'm gonna get it. Me being frustrated at the situation of freezing and huffing and buffing cause I'm out shape told Mackey to shut it up ..your not going to do anything. She then pushes Story out of her lap face first onto the concrete. Lets just say..I lost it on her for a minute and thought I broke my finger (literately) spanking her. 

When we got inside I put both of them to bed. After they woke we had planned a play date with Jenna and Madison from across the street.

After we had played a bit ..we decided it was getting too cold and we all went back to our place to watch a movie. 

It was a really good day...I kinda wish all days could be sort of like this one. Worshiping helps me a lot to focus on myself and what I need to do and be better at.

God is amazing how he works! I would appreciate your prayers at the time..I know I have a lot of growing to ....I will just leave it at that!

God Bless you all!

1 comment:

  1. Such a good day! I think anytime we start off with God first its make the day better. Glad you making some good friends. Love you baby, been trying to facetime you. Will try again this afternoon with Charleigh and Ryder. Hope to see you soon! Love ya!
