Thursday, February 27, 2014

Bible Study Wednesday!

Yesterday was Bible study Wednesday!

My friend Jenna joined Kelly and me for it and that made me feel really blessed. We got to talk more about our life and where we came from. I enjoyed worship also..and let at a few tears..but none of the songs totally spoke to be. Then came the devotional which was just excellent. I can't remember her name..but I think it's Claire that gave it. She spoke about her up rising in a Christian family that did everything just perfect...they reached their children about God..they would go to church every Sunday, they put them in Christian schools and  made them do volunteer work..etc. etc. When she grew up and moved away she realized that it was not her faith she had all those was her parents. She realized that it's not the things you do that will get you to Heaven..but you have to have a personal relationship with Him. Nothing can get you there but Him. I really enjoyed her testimony/ help me know that I wasn't the only one that struggled with things like that.

Bible study was good and all the ladies talk a bit more about some of their situations and about their husbands. This is the book we are reading.

I haven't go the book or even started reading it since I came in the middle of it..but last night I found the sequel to this book 

I read a bit of it last night and thought about buying it. From what I's really good.

Any who! After Bible study, Jenna and I and the kidos went to the community center to get Jenna cable. Here are the girls..checking out all the guys playing table tennis.

Jenna getting cable!

They also rent snowboards for skiing trips.

After we left there, we went home and the girls took a good nap. While they were asleep Andrew came home for a bit while I took the car to the commissary to get some groceries. When I got home the girls woke up and Jenna bought Madison over here to watch Frozen with the girls while she went and got groceries. We she got back , Andrew got home and we all enjoyed talking once again. 

Today was pretty fun! Jenna and I went out with Story shopping! I'll have more on that tomorrow.

God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. You know as a family we can only set you up to want to grow with Jesus, thats what families should do....its up to you individually to come to know Jesus personally, we cannot do that for you. There has to be a want inside of you, you are finding that want, and the want never comes from families it comes from God. We all get it at different times in our life, some get it at a young age, some it takes time. This is something everyone goes through, some of us just don't realize we are going through it because its so natural. To others its a wam bam kinda thing, it just comes to them so suddenly, and it seems almost magical. But in the end its all the same. We love God and want to be with him.
    So happy that you are meeting new friends and having fun! Love and miss you baby!
