Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Drivers BEWARE!

We have such a busy week this week and Monday started it off. In the morning, Andrew and I woke up first. We took showers and got ready as the girls slept in in the next room over. Andrew walked to work this morning which isn't but a 10-15 minute walk. He told be before he left that the girls and I were to meet him at the bus stop just in front of the hotel at 8:30 am. By the time I finished getting ready the girls were just waking up. I looked at the clock and it said 7:30. Ok..I have an hour to make and feed the girls their breakfast...give them their 20 bottles of medicine...get them cleaned up and dress..clean up their bed space..and pack everything we need for the trip (iPad mini's , drinks, snacks). I'm sure I left off something off, but you get the picture. To some of you super moms out there, this task would be super easy to do in an hour. Me on the other hand, it might take me an hour to just get the girls clean and dressed. With my A.D.D (not really) I might be cleaning the kitchen and go to put one thing up in the bathroom and then start cleaning the bathroom. I was a mess the whole time I was getting us ready to leave.

Any who, we made it at the bus stop at 5 minutes till with fire in my shoes and my heart racing 90 to nothing!

Side note: As we got off the elevator I told the girls to come on and we walked over the the breakfast area...well I thought we did ...me and story did..I was all the way to the back of the room and look back at the elevator and saw Mackey on top of this woman's luggage dolly, just hanging there on it, keeping the elevator doors from shutting. I was so embarrassed and apologized to the woman. Plus, getting me some breakfast on the run was stressful cause the girls were getting into EVERYTHING!

We waited a few minutes and I looked down the road and saw Andrew walking toward us. I think he might have been surprise to see us on time :).  It was colder this morning than any other day we had been here, of course! The one day we had to stand outside it would be cold.

We waited 10 minutes and Andrew said "Should we call a taxi?"  We waited 5 minutes more and then found the bus schedule behind us. Andrew thought the bus run every 30 minutes..but that was not true. The schedule said we would have 10 minutes of waiting...so we waited some more. Finally the bus came and we hopped on.

The girls loved riding on the bus and loved looking out the window. I tired to get Story to sing the wheels on the bus, but all she wanted to sing was this:


Outside the post , I felt like we were going to run someone over at any minute! Finally we made it over to Camp Henry safe and sound and before we got through the gate an officer came upon the bus to check our IDs. It was a little intimidating to tell the truth but I got through it.

We got off the bus and took a right to make our way over to the building were we would take our DRIVER'S TEST. Yes! We were going to take our driver's licenses test. To make things clear...I WILL NOT be driving off base anytime soon! I am not an aggressive driver at all in the States. More like, I wait till EVERYTHING is cleared before I even think of crossing medians or lanes. Here, that will not work at all, I would get us killed. I just want to be able to drive on post so we aren't walking everywhere!

So, we make it in the building and the guy over the test is Korean but he speaks English. One more person shows up to take the test with us. We started chatting with him and turns out he is in the army and is from Chicago. Andrew and him start chatting about the super bowl, that was going on at that very moment. Right then it was 5-0 Washington. Mind you this was at 10:00 in the morning :). 

The Korean dude put on a film about driving in Korea and at the end of it came up all the pictures of different wrecks. Let just say, I'm so out on driving in the city! The Koreans don't wreak much surprisingly, but when they do...its Bad! Then they showed a goofy cartoon about a being an angry driver.
Here it is if interested :

After the cartoon they showed another film on safety driving in the snow. That film was pretty long and boring. Everything that I heard from it I would forget if I were in that situation. Cause I panic when something goes wrong..thats just me.

When the movie got finished the Korean dude held up some signs and told us to remember them.
Like what the difference between these:
Means no stopping or parking
Means no parking

And these:
Means 50 is maximum driving speed

Means 30 is minim driving speed

And these:

Means WARNING..watch out for children

While this one Means it is Mandatory to watch out for children!
Anyways, while he was going some other stuff, I didn't catch some of it because he had a pretty strong Korean accent. Oh well!

During the test I thought I knew pretty much most of them and thought it would be ok if I had to take it over. I got done with the test and took it to the Korean guy's office. He graded it right away and I PASSED as well as Andrew. I missed 3 and Andrew got 100% of course!

Here is my victory card lol...aka Korean Driver's License:
neat huh!

Anyways, the rest of day consist of signing the girls up for the cvc program (child care). It's not bad, if I need to go somewhere or do something by myself I can drop them off there for $4 an hour. Mackey will also be starting Pre K in September here and that is also a part of the cvc.

Oh yes! Last night Andrew gave me some Wons and told me to show ya'll. He said it looks like I'm rolling in dough lol.
That's about 100 american dollars

Well, I've had a pretty busy day today also, so I will call it a night.

Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. Very exciting day! So glad you past your test! Story was singing Jesus loves me...right? I could only tell at the end. Can't wait till you get into your house. Me and Erin, Reanna and the kids got out today. Love you and miss you! Tell all I said hi and that I love them!
