Monday, February 10, 2014

Pursing Love

So yesterday was slow and boring..

We went to the 9:00 am church service. During service Andrew got a call about a busted water pipe at  The Evergreen ( the golf coarse dining building). He quickly called his guys about it and came back to the service.

The Chaplin spoke about pursuing love. He had a very good testimony during his message. He had been kidnapped back when he lived in Texas. He was leaving his hotel to go somewhere and had to go back to get something from his room. When he got back to his room, 2 men were waiting on him and had guns on him. He said that they kept him in his room for hours. Finally, they went to banks to try and get money from him. After the shock of this wore off, he realized that he probably would not survive it. As they rode off to where the men were going to kill him, he thought to himself, "God, if this is your will for my life to die this way, let me be able to share to these men of your love". There was one man that didn't talk much and the other was the more aggressive one. They pulled over to get  some gas and the aggressive man handed the gun to the other guy and said " Don't take this off of him". The Chaplin started to tell this guy that he forgave them for what they were doing and about how much Jesus loved him. He then saw two gas pumps on the other side of the road. He told us he had never felt God talking to him , but he felt like if he could someway get to those gas pumps, he would be ok. The aggressive man came back and they started off down the road. The Chaplin then opened the door and jumped out of the moving car and started running toward the gas pumps. As he was running and dump truck pulled up and he told the (dump truck) man to get down, that they had guns. They shot at them, but missed.

The rest of the message was very good...It's easy to love the ones that love us...

Matthew 5:46 

For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?

but what about the ones that we think we deserve to hate...the ones that do us wrong.

Matthew 5:38-48 

“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.

Those are the ones that we should strive to love more each day.

There was more to the message but my mind is drawing a blank.

I need to strive to love God first, my family second and then others over my myself...that would be something I want to work on as a Christian.

After church, Andrew suggest we go to The Evergreen to eat lunch so he could check up on his guys that he told to fix the busted pipe. When we made it there, the guys had not made it there yet. Andrew was upset at this since it had been almost an hour since he sent them.

The girls and I went to sit down at our table while Andrew checked out the scene and the men finally showed up. Andrew came back to the table and we got back up to get our food . It was the biggest buffet I'd ever seen. They had any breakfast items, eggs, bacon, sausage, a waffle bar, ham. They had all kinds of pasta dishes, pork tenderloin, all kinds of potatoes (baked,fried,mashed), huge shrimp, pizza, all kinds of desserts mac and cheese..the list goes on and on...

Finally the pipe got fixed ! Before we left Andrew went back to the kitchen to make sure everyone was satisfied.

I took the girls back to the car and he drove us back home. Pretty much nothing else happened the rest of the day other than lots of cleaning and napping :)'s to pursing LOVE in your life...remember..not only to the ones that love you...but also to the ones that HATE you!

Bless you all!
The Brands

1 comment:

  1. Good sermon, I think people forget we need to love those who has wronged us. Do you remember the story I told to the youth group about the woman who forgave the man who killed her daughter and he became like a son to her. To know that kind of love, that is God! Love you baby, have a blessed and peaceful day!
