Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Home Plus

Yesterday was a bunch of fun! Kelly, my new friend and I decided we would go on an adventure with girls. Before Kelly came and picked us up I was on the some of the Facebook flea markets around here and found a pink pea coat for little Miss Mack. I texted Kelly to see if it was ok that she took me by Camp George to pick it up and she said she would. I PMed the lady and told her I'd pick it up in a bit.

When Kelly got here we put the car seats in her new car and headed to Camp George. I felt bad for asking her to drive back to where she came from (she lives on George also) but she didn't seem to mind and it was only a 5 minute drive there. We went through the gate at George and stopped at building A. I left the girls with Kelly and went to get Mack's jacket.

Here's her new pea coat I got for $5!

After that pick up we headed down the street to try to find HomePlus. HomePlus is kind of like a Super Walmart or Super Target with a food court in it and other vendors. We followed the directions someone gave us online and found the way to go park. It was underneath this huge apartment building. I wish I would have took a picture of the parking deck, but each parking space had an red or green light above it. The green light means the parking space is available and red that it's not. We pulled in the tiny parking place and threw the kids out the driver's door cause there was no way they could get out their own door without hitting another car. The entrance was in the basement with us so we headed toward it and I saw some buggies. When I went up to them ..they were all locked. I didn't figure it till later, but we have to put coins in them to get one.

We walked in the door and there where some vendors to the side, like a flower shop and photo place. We didn't really know where to go next and then saw some people of up the escalator and we figured we'd follow them. The escalator was a bit strange..it was all flat and I figured it was probably for the buggies to be able to go up and down it.

When we reached the top we went to the left and saw a little vendor selling all kinds of hair bows and purses and cell phone covers. We stopped for a minute then headed down toward the food court. This place was really big and had a lot to pick from. They had western food..food like I showed up the other day on a stick..and they had Korean food. Kelly opted for Korea while the girls and I choose western food. I got a cheese burger and the girls got chicken. I just found a menu and pointed to what we wanted and she gave us a buzzer to tell us when our food was ready. To get the Korean food Kelly had to go to the center of the food court and order her food at the register. There were four or five places that her order could have came out of and they put your number order up when its ready. It's a little confusing trying to explain it..next time I will take pictures.

This is where the girls and I ate from.

Behind Mackey to the left a little is where you pick and buy your food. Then to the right of Mackey back there are the place you pick your food up.

This is Kelly...Hi Kelly!! Behind Kelly is another place to can get food..like pizza.

Our food was ok..but I don't think I will getting the same thing again. My cheeseburger had a piece of regular cheese on it and the nacho cheese you get from nachos on it..The nacho cheese was totally throwing me off ..but I gave it to Mackey and she liked it so I ate on their chicken.

After we ate we went walking around HomePlus. I stopped and got a buggie before we walked it..I think it cost 100 won. I pick the girls in and we headed to the shoes. Kelly loves shoes and she can actually wear the shoes here since she is a size 6 in a half. We walked around there for a bit and Mackey was already complaining..so I knew that this was not going to be a good trip with them. After the shoes we headed over to the toys/coloring books/party supplies. There were tons of Hello Kitty stuff everywhere and we picked up some coloring books..me for the girls and Kelly for her nieces.
The outside is in Korean..but the inside is all English.

When we left there we head to the electronics and then came up on the kids clothing section. They had the cutest clothes there..but I think they were like boutique style clothes cause they were pretty expensive ,  50,000 won for this one outfit..but it had a lot to it so I don't know if it was a good deal of what.

After that we headed toward the bedroom stuff such as bedding and pillows. Kelly found the cutest little cat pillow (she loves cats) ..but it was 20,000 won so we put it back down to find another home. We then made our way in and out of the kitchen aisles and found some interesting stuff. On the clearance looking aisle I got some plastic forks and some bags clips for 500 won a piece.

Kelly got a pretty ceramic looking thing to put her jewelry in and a toothbrush holder that looks like it's eating your toothbrush.

We finished up looking at another little vendor and Story found her some teddy bear clips for her hair.

We then waited in line and paid for our stuff. We were not given a bag ..just a receipt so I will have to get some recyclable bags and carry them with me next time.

After we checked out we went over to the first vendor we went to and got Mackey a kitty head band.

 We then headed down the escalator and found that the buggie had magnets on the bottom so you don't have to hold the buggie going down.
Neat...and smart!

 When we got back to the parking garage, where I left the buggie with the others and received my 100 won back. We then proceeded to Kelly's car and all of us this time had to go through the driver's door. We then took off out of the parking deck and got back on the street where we needed to turn left..but we couldn't so..we went down a little ways and Kelly made her first U-turn in Korea ever! She did really good..GO Kelly!

We finally made it back safe and sound and put the rug rats to bed. Kelly stayed a little while after and Andrew came home bearing gifts. Well..from the mailbox that is. I had ordered Mackey's birthday party supplies from Party City last week and also order us some jersey sheets and bathmats from target around the 8th of February.

Soon after, Andrew went back to work and Kelly went home . I was going to take a little nap..but I heard Story coughing and decided to wake her up to give her some medicine.. she soon went back to sleep. I couldn't seem to go to sleep anymore ..so I stayed up and played around on the internet.

Andrew came back home around 4:30 and the girls were still asleep. I guess they got tired from shopping!

After dinner Andrew had a little fun with the girls.

Anyways..that was our day. I am very thankful for my new friend and her patience with my girls. God has blessed me so much lately and I just want to thank him!

Till laters....


  1. Great day! So glad you got a friend you can go off with! Couldn't see the video, it said it was private. Cute coat. Was this all on base or did you go off base? Love and miss you baby!

    1. The HomePlus is off base..I got the jacket on another base.
