Monday, February 3, 2014

Nothing but the Blood

We had such a good day Sunday! We woke up around 7 am...YES 7 am! Thank you!! Babies are now on the right sleep schedule! Plus, they are almost fully better from being sick!

We ate breakfast and decided that we would try to make it to church that morning. We didn't know what time church started, so Andrew called down to the lobby and asked about service times. The Chapel on Camp Walker have many services throughout the day. They have Protestant, Catholic, Church of Christ, Children's Church, Contemporary, and a Gospel Service. We learned that church was at 9 am and it was 8 am at the time. Since we don't have our car yet, we have to walk everywhere and that morning was no different. Unbelievably we all got ready by 8:40 am and we were on our way.

It only took us 10 minutes to walk to the Chapel. I was glad we weren't late to our first service here in Korea. We walked right in and found a seat in the back :) You know, so we could check everybody else out. I wasn't thinking about it much, but we probably stood out like a sore thumb. Two gentlemen came up to us to say welcome . One worked at the high school, and he lead singing in the service. The second man was Daniel and he is the Sr. Pastor of the Chapel. He told us about all the activities that they do and even said something about them going to the orphanage every 3rd Sunday. A big light bulb went off in my head when I heard that news. See, back when we were still in The States, Andrew and I would wonder what God was spending us to Korea to do. Many times we would randomly think about the orphans here and thought how it would be great to do something with them when we got here. Maybe this will be his answer! If not, that is ok too, but visiting orphans will definitely be on our to do list!

The service was ok to me, a little on the more traditional side. Nothing that I could really get into emotionally, but the message was really good. After church was over, a couple(older) sitting behind us told us how beautiful our girls were and so well behaved and that sparked up a convo about how long we have been here (a week) and where we were from. Turns out the couple were from Huntsville also (small! As we walked outside we saw a young couple with a little baby and stopped to talk to them. She told me about a bible study that they have on Wednesday morning and I hope to make it next Wednesday since we will be moving into our new house this Wednesday!

After that, we left church and went to the PX to have some lunch at Taco Bell where Andrew watched a little of the Duke and Syracuse game where Duke made that crazy shot to tie the game. After we ate, we walked back to the hotel to give the girls a nap. Andrew and I decided to be lazy and play games and read Facebook. I probably should have been editing my videos and writing my blog, but I was rebelling :) Boy did I pay for it later!! Any who, I didn't feel like I got my church fix spiritually, so I suggested to Andrew that we go back to the Chapel for Contemporary Service. Andrew agreed and we waited for the girls to wake up and gave them a bath before church.

The service started at 5 pm and we made it there 10 minutes till. There were fewer people at this service but that didn't bother me. The singing was awesome, but the music was a little louder than what I like. Music in services can really speak to me and and this one did just that! 

What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Come to us, Lord
You reward those who earnestly, diligently seek You
I wanna see Your face, I wanna know Your way
Come to us, Lord

We want You more than this life
More than our way Your way is higher
Your thoughts are higher
We surrender here tonight

What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Oh, precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow
No other fount I know
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Oh, precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow
No other fount I know
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

That last line gets me every time and the tears start to flow!

The message was really good also...talked about our temptations and sins and how we need to repent of them and ask God each and every day to make us new creatures. It really spoke to me and I'm going to do just that each day. Ask God to make me a new creature so that I might can overcome my temptations!

 After church, many new faces came up to greet us and welcomed us to Korea. Andrew was talking to Daniel, the man from the first service and his wife while Mackey was talking to chaplain's wife that just gave us "the message". She was bugging this poor lady, asking her all kinds of questions! Then Mackey saw the lead singer (amazing singer...she was so passionate!!) and ask me, " Momma, can I go talk to her?" Mackey had never met the lady and just run up to her and hugged her neck like they had been friends forever. She is certainly our little social butterfly! Every once in a while I'd look over at them and Genie( the singer) was taking pictures of her and Mackey with kissy faces, so I told them both to come over and I'd take a picture also.
Genie is on the left. Lol..Story didn't want to take the picture..but after run over to me excited to see take a look at it!

Theses ladies were both so sweet and kind! After church, we walked back to the hotel and Genie and her crew saw us walking from their car and stopped to say goodnight to us.
God blessed us with a very good day! We got to meet some new people and learn of bible studies near and dropped possibilities of forming new relationships!
Thank you God for such a precious day. 
May God be with you as you fight your own temptations no matter what they are (lust, greed, selfishness, laziness, pride, envy, anger etc etc)

Corinthians 10:13  No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted  beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

Love you all!
The Brands


  1. People all over the world are praying for you guys. I talked to some fellow Christians in Guyana and some in South Africa, and they are praying for safety, as well as peace. I miss you guys.

  2. Glad you had a good day, hope all your days may be filled with happiness, and if not may God grant you peace. Love you baby. Miss you so much!
