Saturday, February 22, 2014

Busan Weekend Trip Part1's a quick re cap of Thursday since I didn't get to blog any last night. Since we bought our selves a new sectional, the housing guys came to pick up the other couches in the morning. Around 3 pm Andrew came and got the girls and I and we went to Camp Henry for what they call "Hell and Farewell". It's kind of a ceremony type thing to welcome the new comers and say goodbye to the people leaving. It was kinda funny, they would call someone up and tell everyone...This person is new and would name some things about the person and what his job will be while here. Once it was Andrew's turn, they made us all go up there which was a little embarrassing..but it didn't last very long. After the ceremony we all hung out a bit and ate a few appetizers.

Major Slaughter tried to photo bomb their picture!

That was it for our Wednesday!

Now for Friday....

The day started off like any normal day. I was going to try to head into town with a girlfriend and was texting her at the time when Andrew called me and ask if me and girls wanted to go to Busan with him and make it a little trip. I asked him when we would be heading there and he said 20 minutes. I totally flipped out cause the girls and I were still in our PJs and I would have to pack us for an overnight stay. If I had an hour..I wouldn't have gotten so upset..but I was not in a good mood while packing let's just say! Andrew came home and he got a bit of "upset Coby" gripping at him. I was totally stressed out..

I finally started to cool down and we headed toward Busan.
Here is a picture of the Staduim

This is what you get when you go through the toll booth.

I thought I loathe riding with Andrew in Daegu..but no..that was not hate..that was dislike..I Hate riding with Andrew on the interstate. The speed limit is 110 km per hour...Andrew likes to go 150km the whole way down...well not the whole way. The police do not stay on the roads so they have cameras everywhere tagging you and sending your ticket to you in the mail. Our GPS tells us where the cameras are so we would go really fast then slow down...really fast then slow down. It was a little ignoring! 

Anyways..I took some pictures on the way down there:
Andrew said he loves seeing the Mountains

The girls loved going through the tunnel..the first thousand tunnels...then it was less amusing.

Tried to take a picture of some of the city as we were heading into Busan.

It took us a little over an hour to get there...everybody said it would take us 2 hours :)

When we got a little closer to the ocean I started taking pictures of these:

Don't ask me why I took pictures of them..they just looking interesting to me at the time. Andrew said he believes they get stuff on and off the ships.

Side Note:
The reason we were going to Busan was for Andrew to meet some people we would be working with and get a layout of the buildings and such.

When we got to our destination at 8th Pier we met Mr. Mok. It was around lunch time at this point and he pointed us to a place at the pier where we could get some food.

Name of the place we ate.

We sat down and ordered..I got the fish sandwich.....what!?! Yes....I thought...while at the the ocean..haha! Andrew got the tuna steak and the girls split a ham and cheese sandwich.

I only took a picture of my fish was really good!

A little apple pie with ice cream..good..but the crust was warm and the apples and filling were ice cold..very strange!

The Korean ladies that worked there just loved the girls to death!

We still had a little bit till Andrew met back with Mr. Mok so we went exploring around the tiny Pier.
This ship was huge..just image twice this size..

Finally Andrew had some work to do and the kiddos and I went into the lounge area and waited till they were done.

There was no bathroom in this place and 30 minutes in..Story had to potty. I went out looking for a restroom and decided to call Andrew to see if he knew where one was. He was just across the road and told us to come over and use their restroom. When we got done with our business we headed back to the lounge area and sat and played games. It seemed like we were in there forever when Andrew came and got us to head to another part of Busan. After we got done with looking at another building place, Andrew was done for the day and we set off to look for a hotel.

We drove around the beach part, Gwanggalli Beach I believe it is called. We were looking for a beach front hotel that was in our budget and we settled on Castle Beach Hotel.

Elevator go UP...

Here's some pictures of our hotel room..

Outside our bay window

The girls and I were worn out so we decided to take a nap and head out later that night. We woke up it was around 6:30 or so and this is what it looked like outside:

Side note: Funny story : At night we couldn't figure out how to turn the lights on..there was a little pad on the wall that said light control with 4 buttons you could press..but when we pushed them to turn on the lights ..they wouldn't come on. We played with it forever trying anything and everything thing we could to turn the lights on. I even thought maybe it's a clap on clap off type thing and started clapping away. Finally Andrew and I gave up and Andrew headed downstairs to ask someone. A man came up with Andrew and said we had to put our door key in this other slot on the wall. It was like magic! I now wish I would have took a picture of it..but they do that so when you leave your don't leave your lights was also hooked up to the air conditioner..haha Andrew was trying the longest to get that to work also!

We all got ready and headed downstairs and out the door. The downtown spot was a little ways away so we walked a good bit till we reached it.
They call this bridge "The Diamond Bridge"

the beach

That's where I video taped this:

We then walked all the way down the strip and came back to find something to eat.  Andrew loves meat so we were trying to find a restaurant that we saw early where you cook your own food. We finally came upon this place.

We walked inside and sat next to another family at the table. There was also another couple to the right of us that knew some English and helped us talk to the waitress a little. We took a look at the menu and tried to pick some stuff out..but our waitress said that it would be too spicy for the girls and  told us what she thought would be good.

They started with bringing the side dishes out and we went to get our drinks from the cooler.
Yum..coke from a glass bottle

Then they brought out the meat and Andrew started cookin'!

The little meat is pork..the girls ate most of that..and the big piece is beef! Those scissors came in handy!

This thing was for sucking up all the smoke.

 Mackey and Story loved the food and so did Andrew and I...I hope we can find a place like this in Daegu!

Picture of others enjoying their meal.

After we finished our food we headed out the door and started walking down the street when I realized that I keep forgetting to take a picture of the restaurants we go I headed back while the girls and Andrew "waited"..but little did I know that we stopped right next to Baskin' Robbins and they headed in there to get some ice cream. When I came back and saw no Andrew or the kids..I saw the ice cream shop and had a hunch that's where they'd be. I made my way inside and saw the girls sitting down at a table by themselves and Andrew "trying" to order some ice cream. We finally sat down and starting eating our delicious treat.

We finished our ice cream and decided we would head back and call it a night. As we went along we heard singing and went over to see what it was.

The girls went to put some Wons in the bucket. They loved it!

As we got closer to the hotel we saw a fair ground type thing and wanted to see if Mackey was tall enough to ride the King Viking ride.

While Andrew and Mackey went looking to see if she could ride, Story and I got stopped by some college kids that wanted to practice their English with us. They could speak it clearly and was telling me how beautiful Story was and was trying to joke around with her..but she wasn't having any of it. She wouldn't even say hello. She just stared at them and told me she wanted to go home. Andrew soon found us and said Mackey wasn't much smaller than the stick to ride..maybe in a couple of years.

We then headed back to the hotel and almost reached it ..but we stopped at the park right in front of it to let the girls get their last bit of energy out.

Here's video of the girls playing:

Story soon had to pee we made our way inside..and up the elevator....elevator go UP...elevator go DOWN....those who haven't seen the cartoon with baby ducky saying this needs to look it it is :)'s a elevator shot:

It was late at night and being goofy in the elevator just seemed did before Andrew started jumping up and down !

The rest of the night we spent watching Fast and Furious...oh and did I mention that I slept in the floor? Yes..I forgot to tell you this place had the heated floors thing and I heard that many Koreans sleep on the floor because of the heat. So to give my family extra room in the bed and to see what it's like sleeping on the heated floors I did so. To tell you the's not that bad..the floors did get really hot during the night..but it didn't hurt my sleeping ;)

Well..that was the first night of our little trip..tomorrow I will post round 2!

Hope everyone has a blessed day!


  1. What a great day! Love seeing all of the videos. That man could sing, and it was so sweet...Andrew and Mackey dancing! Story can gives stares! Love the fact that they get so much attention. Wow, what a day! Love and miss you baby! The package should be there in a couple of weeks(I hope).

  2. Looked like a great trip. Is it a place you would want to go back to?

    1. We are defiantly going back to has so much to offer.

  3. I am enjoying reading your blog. You and Andrew have such adorable children!
