Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Playing with Friends

So I will make this post short and sweet!

Yesterday we laid around in our pjs all day until Jenna and Madison asked us over to play. Jenna and her family got their first bit of household stuff in and that included some of Madison's toys. It was so sweet of them to ask us to come over to play! We let the girls play a bit and Story was really in the zone playing that she forgot she had to potty till the last minute and peed all over herself. So I left the Mackey and the bare butt little Story there with Jenna and ran back to our house ( across the street and two doors down). After we changed Story, Jenna and I got to talk a bit before Andrew called to ask me where I was. I had left him a text message telling him where I was going to be..but he didn't see it or get it..or whatever.

We usually go on Tuesday night the commissary to get groceries, but training is going on and it would have been really busy, so we decided that we'd go to the PX to eat. Jenna and Madison had to go the PX too to get Matt's (Jenna's husband) phone back from where they broke it worked out perfect that we'd eat dinner together.

Us walking to the PX
Wait..did you see that man in uniform...that's Andrew. During training..everyone (that's working) has to wear them..I took him pictures of him this morning.

I ask Andrew if he was Jamaican :)...or maybe thinking something not so nice 

It was totally weird to see him in a Army Uniform!

Any who! We walked down to the PX and order the girls a pizza while we all got Taco Bell. After we ate we ran into Mr.Kim and Mr. Joe (that's not his last really remember it) and Bella and Joe's daughter. We chatted a little then made our way back home.

When we got back to Jenna's house we stayed outside and talked a little while till Jenna invited us in to stay and talk longer.

We had a great time getting to know her and about her life. Matt was been working late since training is going on but Jenna told me today that he walked in a minute after we left.

When we got home, I gave the girls a bath and soon after we saw that we had the movie Frozen on our Apple TV. We had pre-ordered it a long time ago and was waiting for it show up. We put the movie on and had us a fun time watching's a really cute movie. I said..short and sweet!
I had a great time with Kelly and Jenna at Bible study today..I hope everyone back home as a great Wednesday also!

Oh ..I forgot to share some pictures of the girls on there are.

God Bless!


  1. Such cute pictures of the girls, and Andrew! You got a man in uniform!. Sweet day, I know the girls can't wait till they get their toys. So glad they have a little friend and you have a friend! Are you happy on base? Is it good? Love and miss you baby, tell everyone we love and miss them!

  2. Have decided that I'd rather Andrew be Jamaican as opposed to the other option...laughed real hard at that one. Glad everything is going well. When do you think you will get your things?

    1. They said not till March 31..which is Mackey's birthday..I said we will all be getting presents that day!

  3. I love Story posing

  4. The pics of the girls are precious! We miss seeing all of you at church and look forward to when you all are state side and can visit. We are looking forward to our upcoming revival the 1st full week in April. We are praying that all our children and grandchildren willbe there on that Sunday inApril that will kick off the revival. It would mean so much to Don and me!
    I showed Tyler and Addy the pics ofthe girls in their oriental dresses, both thought they were beautiful. We are so glad to hear that you and Andrew have found christian friends to worship with. Your family picture is on our refrigerator and we pray for yall daily. Don and Linda Holcomb I dont understand what the "comment as" is -- so I just choose one, hope it works!
