Sunday, March 2, 2014

Hilltop Dancing

So Friday was a slow day and all we did was lay around the house..but when Andrew got home he came bearing gifts. My mom sent the girls a package full of shoes and dresses and valentines day necklaces. It was fun watching the girls opening it.

Story went nuts over that jacket that's on top..she wore it the rest of the night.

Saturday we woke up and Andrew throat was still hurting. It had been a least a week since he got sick and finally thought it was time to go the doctor. He looked up the international hospital here and it said it was closed on Saturdays. He looked up another one and it said it was opened so he left us here and went on. A few seconds later Andrew called to tell me that he forgot his ID card here and that when he got done I would have to come pick him up at the gate. He then called me back a few minutes after that and suggested that we go eat lunch at Italy Italy since it's right outside the base. 

The girls and I got dressed and decided that we would play with Mommy's phone.

He called me when he got done and the girls and I started walking down to gate 4. We got outside the gate and walked a few feet down the road and saw this...
Closed...on a Saturday?? WHa?
Andrew hadn't gotten there we waited on the little porch in front of the store.

The girls were being so cute and saying hello to EVERYONE that walked by. There was even a lady that also walked up that wanted to eat here and she came by cab. When I told her that it wasn't open, she tried to call a cab to get where she needed to go on Camp Walker..but the cab driver didn't understand where she was at. The girls then found their opportunity to chat her up. Like always..Mackey was all over her like she had known her for years. We talked a little then she told me where she was going and didn't have a clue how to get there but I did and told her directions. She then left and the girls told her bye.

Andrew then pulled up and I told him that the restaurant was closed. We then decided that we would go eat South Street Grille again since it was so good last time. We both order phillys and the girls got chicken. Mackey asked if she could have some and she said she liked it. Andrew then told me about his experience at the hospital. When he got there they told him that the internationally part was closed even though it said they were open online. They told him it was a holiday..and he asked them what holiday and they didn't know..what? Any he had to go the a doctor that didn't speak that much English but said that he could talk to them with his hands and it was't that bad explaining that his throat hurt. The doctor then told him that they would be treating him for tonsillitis.

After we ate we went back home and the girls took them a nap. When we woke I started to put a pizza in the oven when I got a text from Jenna asking if we'd like to go with them to the Hilltop Restaurant on base. Their family goes there a lot because Madison loves to dance on the dance floor when the band is playing.

We decided that sounded like fun so I put our pizza back in the freezer and started to get dress. We met the Masons outside around 6:45 pm and started toward the Hilltop. The girls were playing the whole way down to the restaurant..they are so cute!

When we got in there ..they took our orders and the band started to play a little bit afterward. The girls loved dancing with Madison and even Jenna and I got out there with them.  A little later in the night Andrew went out there to dance with is some video.

That's Andrew's bosses' boss..Joe dancing with the kids!

One of the singers posing with the girls!

Cutie Madison with one of the singers!

They had a blast!

It was so much fun seeing them have so much fun! I even got to dance a little bit..which is always fun!! When we got home...everyone was tired and I believe we all slept pretty good!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Saturday! 

God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Knew there was dancing! So happy they liked the clothes. Did everything fit? I know the shoes didn't but the clothes? So happy it didn't take long for the box to get there. Great day! Makes me miss you even more! Love you baby! Tell Andrew I hope he feels better.
