Sunday, March 9, 2014

Children's Hall

Yesterday we decide to go to a place called Children's Hall. Its a really nice place that has lots of room outside to play and run..and in the summer they have rides and stuff you can ride for only 100 won..which is like 10 cents. They also have places indoors where they have scientific stuff for the kids to learn. It was pretty cold outside so we went inside to the scientific stuff.

This is the Entrance of the 1st floor

This is where you smell and guess what it is

Then you push the see if you're right..I guessed Peppermint on this one

Story smelling

She liked this one a lot

Here is where you put your hand in and guess what you feel

Making bubbles

This was for the balls was hot and the other was cold

You could see all the different phases of the moon.

Here it showed you how different numbers of pulleys could be easier to pull with the same weight

This floor showed about their culture and history

Here they talked about Jesus

Look at this huge crawfish!

Story had to potty and you can't really see it from this picture..but it was a tiny potty for  kids

The 4th floor could go outside a view the city

 After that we went back downstairs and out. Mackey saw some pigeons and started running after them. She soon saw a little Korean girl and started talking to her..we were really surprised to hear the little girl talk back to her in English. She said name is Wendy..what's yours? Mackey took a little bit but finally told her. Andrew and I then started to talk to her mom. Which we found out that she taught herself English and is now letting her children watch Super Why to help teach them. The girls got to play with each other for a bit..but we were getting hungry so we said our goodbyes..but not before we took a couple pictures.

After we left Children's Hall we decided to just wonder around the city. I ask Andrew if we could downtown so I could get another canvas to start Story's painting. It took us forever to get there because traffic was nuts! At one time we were going through an intersect and got stopped at the end of the intersect underneath the red-light..they care not about blocking the intersect by the it was the other cars turn to go..but couldn't because it was blocked by all the cars behind us. In front of us was a crosswalk and tons of people were walking by..finally we could go because of the traffic in front had cleared up..but this old man on a electronic chair waited till the last minute to go and we almost ran over him . The cars behind us were honking their horns like crazy..and we were like..HELLOOO..theres a dude crossing the street in front of us!! Any who..we finally made it to downtown and parked underneath the park. We then came up from underneath and found a Burger King and went in. We ordered our food and Andrew wanted me to take a picture of the menu.

Andrew got a Whopper with garlic on it
 After we ate we saw a toy shop and were curious about it and went in..All that was in this toy shop were action figure toys. We found some for a couple of won for the girls to play with.

When we left that store Andrew got a phone call from work telling him that he needed to get to Camp Henry ASAP. There was a building on fire and he needed to be there to do something..I have no idea what. When we got there this is where we pulled up (picture below)..I didn't know it at the time..but were we really close to the fire. Andrew hoped out and started toward it. I waited for the longest .. I saw the smoke get really bad and that's when I saw men coming out from it wearing masks...and one came up to the car and asked me to move it farther away. I did so and waited till Andrew called me back. When he called me, he asked me to drive the other way to the other side of the camp where he was. We waited for the longest on what to do and then Joe's (Andrew's boss's boss) daughter came and got in the car since she was standing outside and it was cold. We waited some more and Story told me she had to tee tee potty. I called Andrew and he said that I could bring us home and he'd call a cab when done. So I drove us all back to Camp Walker..all by myself! I dropped off Gabby at her house and then took us home. I then put the girls to down for a nap and was fixing to take a nap myself till Andrew called and asked if I could bring him our camera. I told him that the girls were asleep..but I would ask Jenna if she could come "watch" them while I was gone. She said yes and when she got here I left to go to Camp Henry. This was a little difficult this time cause I couldn't use the GPS to get there..the gate that the GPS would have sent me was closed and it doesn't know how to get to the other one. I had to rely on my memory on how we got there last time. I prayed almost the whole way there that God would help me to know where to go. When I recognized where I was I praised him over and over. I dropped off the camera and went back to Walker.
Here are couple of pictures and a video:

 Later that night we ordered pizza !

We all had a pretty good day other than the fire..and had a pretty good Sunday other than Andrew having to go into work this morning.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!
God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog!!! Love the day...know it was great with the kids! Sorry Andrew had the fire to go to. Pics are really good. You are really going to love the carrier with Story, just keep it with you at all times. Love hearing from you and the girls and Andrew. Missing you all so much. Love you always!
