Thursday, March 6, 2014

Bible Study Wednesday

Yesterday was Bible study Wednesday!

I asked Andrew if I could drive him to work so I could have the car to bring food to the Bible study and he said that it would be fine. Our group does themed food and this week was comfort food from back home. I didn't really know what I was going cook but then thought of something I liked when I was little that my mom made for us. I loved it when she made Rice Krispie treats. She probably doesn't know how much I enjoyed them ..but I did. So, I called her up to see how to make them and when she told me I felt pretty stupid how easy it is. So I woke up Wednesday morning and made them. One batch was regular and the other I put some peanut butter in them.

I told Jenna that I would pick her and Madison up cause she was bringing apple pie!YUM. Andrew called me and told that he needed the I told him I was on my way to the Annex so he could walk over there to pick it up. When we got there Andrew helped Jenna and I with the girls and the food. After we put the girls in their classes we went in the annex and started chatting. When Bible study began we took our sits and sat down. I didn't see Kelly anywhere..but hoped she was just running late. I then saw her walk in and she sat down in front of us. We started singing and while the songs were pretty good..I couldn't really get into them. I kept wanting them to play something I knew.

After the singing ,announcements came and they talked about having a daddy/daughter dance coming up..and it's free! We will soooo be doing that! Then they talked about some sort of retreat also. It will be all paid for and it's an over night thing. I hope to be able to go..we will see.

After announcements came the devotional. It was gave by a lady...forgive I can't remember her name. But she started talking about being 6 months pregnant and having to take her cats to the airport to be sent to her husband that had already arrived at their new home in another state. She got to the airport and was walking when one of the pet carriers latch snapped and her cat went running out. She dropped everything and ran after the cat. She finally got it back and a young man was the only one that tried to help her try to put the cat back in its cage. As she was trying to put it back in..the cat wiggled out of her arms and deeply clawed her arms on its way down. It went running across the airport once again and went in-between a wall that was deep and dark. she is bleeding from her arms and 6 months pregnant running after her cat again. She found her in between a wall that led to a longer hallway. She was asking her cat to come to her. The cat just stared at her scared. She asked him again and he looked at her..and then looked down the hall into the darkness. The cat just stayed there. The woman begged and pleaded with her cat ..thinking ..if her cat went the other way..into the darkness..she might not see her again. She asked her kitty one more time..Please come to will be safe here in my arms. She said that her cat looked at her like she understood and then started creeping towards her and back to her arms. If you think about it..we are the cat ..and God pleads to us to come to him... like the woman. We see our path and our way in the other direction and we are scared of what is to come if we don't choose it. But if we would put our trust in him and go to him..he will take care of us. She said that her cat didn't have in mind what he would be doing next (getting back in her carrier and flying over to her new home)..but after the cat got done with that ..she would be back in her fathers arms and off starting a new life in her new home..and having new adventures.

I really enjoyed her devotion..and I probably don't remember what was all said..but you get it..don't you?

Anywho...we had great time at bible study!

Nothing much else as been going on the past couple days so I decided I would post some videos of the girls dancing and playing..and one of Story saying her prayers.

Oh..and this one is for Courtney Brand
We found this bigger than quarter spider crawling around our house last night..Yay!

Hope everyone has a great Thursday!
God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome day! Glad the rice krispies turned out good! Love and miss you baby!
