Monday, March 3, 2014

Sunday Funday

Yesterday we went back to the church in Waegwan. Andrew invited a buddy that he works with and he met us at church. When we got there the met with the preacher that preached last time and the in rim pastor. He was really friendly and seemed like a nice old man. He had been in the military 50 years ago!

Stacey and Felix both came back and I was glad to see their faces. I thought that they might be starting to go to another church since I talked to her over the week and she said they found one they really liked. The Korean family that we saw last time also came through the door and the pastor told us we were really to begin service. Story decided it would be a good time to use the potty at that very moment. So I took her to the bathroom and when she got done we walked down the aisle to our seats.

We first started off with a prayer for finding the new pastor. Then Andrew was asked to lead singing that morning, but all the songs that the pastor gave him, he didn't know. When the pastor called on him to start, Andrew had to tell him he didn't know any of them, so the pastor decided to lead them. He told Andrew that he was to pick the songs next week so he would know them.

After a couple of songs came announcements . The pastor announced that he would be there till the end of April and not any longer. He told us that we were to have a service on Wednesday night and Game Night on Friday night. He said he grew up in an Italian neighborhood so he was going to cook a homemade lasagna on Friday for everyone that came.

The pastor then went on with his message. He had a lot in there..but the one thing that stuck out was when he asked us all if we had read the bible all the way threw. I knew my answer..No...but I'm guessing everyone else answer was no too ..cause he then started talking about how it's important to read it. I know.. it's true..I should be reading's God's's his guide for our life..God wants us to become more like Christ and if I don't read will I know how to become like him?

I felt so deeply convicted of this I got online to see if there might be a website that could help me to read the bible in a year. Something that could keep track of where I was..yes there is probably an app for this..but I'm on my computer more than my phone. So I found one..if you'd like to check it's the site then go to Reading Plans. After I read my daily Bible lets me check them off.

Any who! After church we all went down and ate some pizza and some subs. While we were eating Andrew and his friend got to talk a bit and we also got to talk to Stacey and Felix. After lunch, the pastor came to us and said that usually the women of the church bring lunch every Sunday and help clean it up afterwards. We told him we had no problem with bringing just might not be something homemade since we live so far away. Andrew then asked a very good question that nobody likes to ask..How is the church financially and where does the money basically come from. They were straight up with us and said..all the money comes from the tides.

Like last Sunday we left after lunch. Having another service after lunch just really doesn't work well with the girls nap schedule. It can be a bit difficult to keep them calm during regular church service..I couldn't image what they'd be like when they get sleepy with no where to rest in a second one.

On the way home I was asking Andrew how he felt about the church and if he still thought this was where we're suppose to be. To tell you the truth I wasn't feeling so good about it at that time. There is a lot of stuff that just isn't going our way. Seeing that there were only a few of us were going to this church..Our family, Stacey and Felix (that probably aren't staying), and the Korean is the church going to survive? There would only be us few of us to get it to grow..and we live 45 minutes away. Anyone we come across down where we live aren't going to want to travel 45 minutes to church. There's also too that we aren't going to be able to make some of the things that's going on cause we live far away. I told was mostly fear I have...I'm so new to all of this..and it will be a lot of work. Andrew answered and said's probably where God cause use us the most and I agreed.

We are going to go back and see where God lead us...whether it is to go or stay..I want to do what is in His will.

Please be in prayer for us and God's will for our family..we surely would appreciate it!

Thank you and God bless!
The Brand Fam

Oh yes! Mackey got a new booster seat for when we need more room in the back she is in it for the first time.

1 comment:

  1. I love the booster seat! Mackey looks so grown up in it. Coby sometimes you have to figure out what God or where God wants you to be. If you don't remember, when we first moved to Albertville, we really wanted to go to Huntsville for church because of the priest (we loved Father Phil and he was there). The church in Guntersville (our first impression) was not good. We weighed the Huntsville (which was a big well to do church) it would be so hard to be there other than on Sunday, but in Guntersville, it was so closer and we could participate so much more. I believe God gives you choices to let you decide whats best for your family and then (as you know, St. Williams was were God wanted us.) it all comes around. God is there always...but at times He lets you decide and then He follows through. I know that here in Clanton is where God wants us to be, even though I would love to be at Reanna's church to help her with the kids and such. But Reanna also needs not count on us as much with that. I know where ever you and Andrew are you will do good works.
