Friday, March 7, 2014

Market with Jenna and girls

Yesterday Jenna, the girls and I went to Seomun Market. The girls and I met Jenna at the PX..where we both needed to get some Wons out of the ATM. After we got our money we found a taxi and took it over to Seomun Market. We were on the wrong side of the we had walk up some stairs to get to the other side. Mackey already was in a bad mood and didn't want to start walking. I pleaded with her that if we were to have a good day she might get a gift. She liked that idea and off we went. We started up the stairs and in the middle was a Korean fello sitting on the ground with a basket. I don't share things I do like this...but this time I will so I can explain. When I got to the man I gave him some money. I explained to Jenna that I didn't normally give to everyone begging for money..but the Korean culture seems very prideful..and don't ask for anything. For this man to be begging for money..probably means..his really bad off and needs it.

Any who. We went on in one store and Jenna was amazed. She had been to Seomun Market before..but had not gone inside the stores...just the outside streets. The department we first walked into seem to be the women and men's clothing. We quickly glanced the department and went back outside on the main road. We went down the street a little and saw the vendor that I got the girl's church dresses at. We found some dresses we liked outside, but decided they were too expensive so we went inside. This department had all kinds of children clothing, jewelry, kid shoes, and some adult clothing. I could really spend hours and hours in this place just looking at all the clothing they have for little girls.

We stayed in there for the longest time. I was looking for Charleigh and Ryder something for their birthdays.. that is tomorrow for Ryder and Charleigh's is the 11th. HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY RYDER!
I looked so long and finally found something for them! Yay!

Mackey was a horrible mess the whole time! I one time she even threw a fit! I have never seen her do this..ever! All the Korean ladies were trying to give her candy and I kept telling them no. One asked me why and I told her that she was being bad and we don't reward for being bad. I was so done with her (stressed to the max)..on so many levels.

We then walked around a little bit outside and decided it was time to head back to the camp. We were all hungry so we told the taxi to go to gate 4 so we could eat Italy Italy. Jenna had never been there and I was excited to introduce her to it. Mackey got my phone and decided to take this picture.
Not bad
Here are some of the stuff we got at the market.
Got this cute tunic sweatshirt for Story 5,000 Won

New Bear keychain 5,000 won

Korean doll magnets 1,800 won
I won't show what I got Charleigh and Ryder till after they get them..sorry!

I also finished Mackey's it is

I started on Story's..but I don't like what I I'm going to get another canvas tomorrow when we go downtown.

We got some mail in also

Thank you for thinking about us Dell and Dott! 

Andrew has also started reading a new book that he has been enjoying fully!
I am going to start reading it soon.

So..that was our day. Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!
God Bless..


  1. Glad you had a good day at the market. Glad you getting out on your own. We just got back from Ryder's party. Miss you bunches!

  2. It sounds as if the weather is nice there for yall to be out walking. It has been so cold here but today was 65 degrees with beautiful sunshine! I just couldn't get enough of it and tomorrow s weather is predicted to be the same. I plan to plant peach and apple trees at the creek. Sweet Mackey is always happy and smiling I am sorry she had a bad day. Sometimes when children have a temperament change they are just not feeling well. I hope she is much better today!
