Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My Wonderful Birthday

So what did I do for my Bday?

First off, I cleaned the house needed it very bad since I left it a mess before we left for Busan! As I was cleaning the house..the girls seem to be on their best behavior I've seen since we got here. I started off cleaning  by selecting a room in the house and cleaning it till done..then going on to the next. I know cleaning doesn't sound like a great way to spend your Birthday, but God really blessed me through it. I got to talk to Him and praise Him through song and my thoughts. It went by really fast and I was done by a little past lunch. As the girls were napping I started reading the Bible and got really into it. I started by reading Jude, then made my way to 2 John and then 1 John...I spent the whole time (nap time) in His word where as normally I would have been "shopping" online for something that I don't need..or know I wouldn't in up buying.

 Later in the day Andrew came home a little early so Jenna, Kelly, and I could go get our nails done. I was very excited about this cause my poor feet have been totally mistreated for quite a while. We have been walking everywhere also and they needed pampering.

Jenna and I took off to meet Kelly at Camp George because the nail place was right out that gate a little ways down. We pulled up to the gate and gave our IDs to the guard and drove in when I realized that I drove to the wrong Camp. Camp Henry and Camp George are right beside each other but one of the gates is closed on Henry so you have to go all around to the other one on the other side to leave. I felt so dumb..but Jenna didn't seem to care..she thought it was funny.

We finally get to the right camp and try to find a parking place. Kelly texted us and said someone was parking in her guest parking already , so she found us a place to park off post.  We met up with her and started walking to the nail shop.

Took a picture before we went in:

I walk in and it's a pretty small shop. They had no massage pedi chairs like they do at home. Just a little seat thing you sit on and it isn't comfortable at all. One lady started working on Kelly's nails and when the lady in the back got done with her other customer she started on me. They don't have but one pedi place and two nail stations.

Here are my white legs!

Jenna giving the traditional Korean taking a picture sign.

What are they doing to my feet?? Never seen this before! They said it's to soften your dead skin.

Then they wrap it up and wait.

Now ..I'm sure this would have worked great on a normal foot..but my poor puppies are horrible! TMI ..they have cracks on top of cracks of dead skin on them and she didn't soak my feet like they normally do at home which make it easier to remove it all. This lady spent FOREVER trying to remove my callous through scrubbing them. I thought to myself..why didn't she get out one of those razor thingys and go to town..I saw that she had one! She finally decided at some point that what she left me with was the best she could do and told the lady that spoke English that I needed to start using my foot balm..and that I needed to come back for round 2. I thought..I will not be coming back here if you're not going to use the razor and just get in done. I've always had this problem with my feet and the salons back home have never spent this long on them and also have gotten them softer. On top of that...the pedi's at this place where $10 more expensive then back home (not counting tips). Don't get me wrong..I was very happy I got my pedi..but maybe I will be going somewhere different for a pedicure next time.

The massage she gave my legs was awesome!
Kelly's Nails
The lady that does the gel nails that Kelly and Jenna got does an awesome job on them..and I was super jealous of their nails and are going back next week to get some.

Jenna's Nails

After we left the shop went across the street to a Cat Store that Kelly likes window shop every time she walks by. She told us she'd never been inside we took her in to see the kitties.

She was in heaven!


Jenna and I loved this one!!

There were kittens everywhere! The store owner of My Bling Story told us that the lady who runs this store has about 80 something in this one store. WHAt! 

We had a good time looking at the kitties..but there is only so much I could take being allergenic to we went on and walked back to the car where we chatted a bit and then went on our way.

Kelly likes to bake and made these wonderful mint chocolate meringues.

The girls loved them..a little too much!

I had a pretty awesome day..thank you all for the wonderful Birthday wishes!
God Bless

1 comment:

  1. So glad you had such a good birthday! Its so funny about the nails and how its not like here. I so wish I had bought you the nail kit. If I see it again I will get it. The kitties didn't look very healthy. I liked the one you liked.
    Coby, be praying for Angie, Catfish's mom. They are telling her she only has 6 months. Pray for her and Catfish. Thanks
    Love and miss you baby! Tell everyone I love and miss them!
