Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Sunday Monday

I didn't write a blog yesterday so let me tell you a little about our Sunday. Since Andrew had to work on Sunday morning because of the fire that happened on Camp Henry we decided to go to church at the 5:00 o'clock Contemporary Service. The girls and I just laid around till Andrew got home and then we got dressed for church. We drove to church and decided that we would go eat Italy Italy after.

As service started a man that wasn't the Chaplin came up to talk. He said that the Chaplin was gone and that he wouldn't be so much preaching rather he would teaching. I don't mind have a different church service..but I have been wanting to fill up my spiritual tank and this service just didn't do it for me. Andrew said something early this week that I thought was wise...Sunday we want to go to church to worship because we've done our "work" during the week..but all we get Sunday is light shown on what you should have done or should be doing. I want to get to the place where Sunday is a day of worship, rest , instead of a day wishing I'd done better.

After service we invited another couple to go eat with us. Since the bank was one of the places that was burnt in the fire (it housed all the money that went to our ATMs) we decided to go get some more  Wons out before it was all gone. The couple that we invited beat us to the restaurant and we sat down and started chatting. We found out during our chat that Kate ( the wife) is originally from Seoul and that they got married a couple of years ago when he was stationed in there. She speaks very good English that she learned in college. They also have a beautiful little 2 year old girl that is learning both English and Hangul (Korean language). We talked for forever and got to eat wonderful food in the process.

Andrew and I had been talking about starting a Wednesday night Bible study group and we asked them if It'd be something they would be interested in. They said yes and we decided to meet at our house this Wednesday night at 6pm. We have also asked 2 other couples to join us , so we will have 4 total couples. I am super excited to get to know everybody and getting to study about God's word.

So..that was our Sunday.

Monday the girls and I stayed home all day and when Daddy got home we went outside to play on the playground. The weather is seeming to get warmer..I don't want to jinx it (fingers crossed) it was around the 50 degrees outside. We had a blast with the kids. Maybe too much fun!

Something that seems to be brotherly me lately...and this might sound strange to you from me..but I think that we are living in the end times. I've gotten really interested about it..and sometimes I have even gotten emotional thinking about everybody that doesn't know and have a personal relationship with Jesus. Even some of us Christians are being lead down the wrong path. I was watching something last night that asked me..Are you ready to die for you faith? 

It might come a time where they tell you that you have to act or behave this or that way..and tell you that you can't be Christian or they will kill you. Don't think that will happen? It's already happening all around the world. Umm..North Korean! Syria! Nigeria! Jesus said we were going to be persecuted (Matthew 24:9)...if you don't feel persecuted for your beliefs you might be in the wrong boat.

 John 15:19..If ye were of this world, the world love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

These are just some things that have been on my mind. I feel like there are tons of people out there that are following a lie that the devil has put out there in a smart kind of way that makes people think its all good. I hope you would join me in prayer for this world..because we are in some dark times.

I also started reading Andrew's book he bought "God speaks your Love Language"...I have just started on it..but it's beginning to be a great read. I think my love language is Words of Affirmation...I feel God's love the most through worship and praising him. But I was told by my husband who is farther along in the book to keep an open mind on what I think it is.

I just want to thank all the people that have been praying for our family..and I hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday..

Love to all! 


  1. Glad its getting warmer for y'all, its going to go up around 80 today.
    If you don't mind, let me tell you a story...about me and when I started getting closer to God, I too (in my 20's) thought I would see the end of the world. I also think now its not true. When we start getting closer to God, we see all the bad things going around us and we think its so so bad. But God does things so different from us. He has his own time(and really no time, time doesn't exist in Him).
    We can't be scared into loving Him, people can't be, God doesn't want us that way. We have got to love Him and follow Him no matter what "time" we live it. If it the end so be it...I think its a hard time for some. We got to know God and know what He wants from us...be it great things or just ordinary things.
    I remember asking mom why everyones not christian just in case. She kinda laugh and said things don't work that way. I understood later as I grew what she meant. We all have to become what we will be in our own time, it can't be forced. It will come, God will reign, no matter what happens or how it happens.
    I love you so much and miss you more and more. I hate that you are so far away now, we could have great discussions. And just a suggestion...don't get too caught up in the end times (for one thing, even Jesus didn't know when this is suppose to happen) it can put to much fear in you when we should have no fear. Live as you God would want you to live, in love with Him and all of his beautiful creation. If you want to go out and preach Him...preach His love for us and no matter when the end time is He will be there for us. Love you baby always!

  2. Your blog is so Inspiring! I too like to have my spiritual tank filled on Sunday! The Lord gave me a special unexpected blessing the other morning. I had spent the night with my mom and had been up several times through the night praying because my youngest daughter and her husband are weighing heavy on my heart lately due to their lifestyle. I left moms and had just pulled out on to the highway to go pick up my two youngest grandchildren when the Lord's sweet holy spirit seemed to fill the car and my soul! Oh my! Tears of joy flowed all the way on my drive to Muscle Shoals. I was in such freedom to praise the Lord! The Lord had to be piloting the car as I was so enjoying the Spirit. So fully happy in praise to my Savior! What a blessing! The Lord knew I needed a refreshing! I am still in continual prayer for Maggie and John that they will change their ways and turn to the Lord. Maggie was raised in church and sent to a Christian school, I can't believe she has left hef walk with the Lord. I am also praying for my son and his wife, Anthony and Carrie (Tyler and Addys parents) that they would get back in church. Andrew and Coby, please help me pray for my family. My oldest daughter, Julie, her husband Leeand my oldest grandchild Eli, are faithfully in church and working for the Lord.
    We are praying daily for all of you that the Lord will send you spirit filled services that will bless your souls and "fill your spiritual tanks"!
    Brother Michael's messages Sunday were "tank fillers". Don and I had been struggling with a confrontation earlier in the week that came from a friend that has been promotimg a sinful lifestyle. Don was slammed from all sides for standing up for what was right. Brother Michaels message Sunday night completely covered the subject. I sat there listening feeling so proud of my husband because he had not backed down even though a number of people had slammed him so hard. People that we thought were Christian friends. Brother Michael preached abouf the new thing these days is not to judge. This is what some are saying In order to keep you from calling sin "sin". Well calling sin "sin" is not judging it is just a fact and if we as Christians don't stand up and speak out the weaker unlearned will be recruited In to sin. Coby you are so right we are living infhe last days. Well I will close for now. Be strong and God Bless! Love you all!
