Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Yesterday Andrew went to Seoul by himself . He had something to do for work and he left around 4 pm. I took him down the the PX to get a taxi and after he left we went inside to shop a little. Our floors get so dirty with lint. I don't know why...but it seems like I'm sweeping the floor twice a day to keep them clean. I went in to get a swifter and came to find that they were on sale..SCORE! I don't have a mop at the moment..our stream mop is on its way so I picked up some of the sheets that are wet as well. Mackey's hair has been unruly lately so I picked up some headbands too. I grabbed some other stuff for the house and then Jenna  texted me and said Madison was up from her nap.

Jenna and I were suppose to go the next day to find Sdot. Sdot is a store that carries all kinds of art and craft stuff. I have been dying to get some color on these walls so I wanted to go get some canvas and paint.

I texted Jenna before I went to the PX that we could go tonight since we didn't know when Sdot was going to open in the morning. She said that Madison was asleep but when she woke we could go.

I hurried with my shopping and got back to the house to drop our stuff off and then picked them up. Our car is pretty small so it was fun trying to fit 3 carseats in the back..luckily Mackey had her new booster seat that gave us a little more room but not much. It took us forever..but we finally got all 3 of the girls in and buckled.

Side note: Sdot is in downtown Daegu...this will be the first time I've driven off base!!!

We get out of Camp Walker and I really can't believe what I'm doing! I told Jenna I was glad she was riding with me because I usually tend to freak out when something goes wrong or I think something might go wrong. It's nice to have another brain in the car (that's not Andrew!) saying..maybe we should do this..or that.

Kelly , my other friend gave us directions on my Facebook account and that's what we were following. She gave us a turn left and go down this road then turn left on so and so road. Well...Korean road signs are very small and we totally missed our turn and didn't know it. I told Jenna when I first started driving that I would be ok driving on the road road..but if it took me on the freeway..I would die! We went way pass our stop and it was looking like we were headed toward the freeway. I pulled over and we took a look at the GPS to see if we could find the store on it.

No luck..but Kelly had said something about it being across from Novotel Motel..and we found that on the GPS and went for it. It had me do a U-turn and we headed back the direction we came. It finally got us to the Novotel Motel ..but parking was on the right and we were all the way in the left lane...there was No way I could have gotten over in time to turn right so we went all the way down the street and took another U-turn. We started going back to the Motel but saw that there was parking on the this side also...but then again..we were all the way in the left lane..grrrr! Jenna saw a road where we thought was parking ..and asked if we should try it..but as I was turning the wheel to go..she yelled No! That's a one way..so we went down to the next light.The next red light wouldn't let us do a U-turn so we had to turn left and I then decided that I was going to make a U-turn in the middle of the road since there was no one coming in that direction.

We finally made it around and remembered to stay on the right side of the road and took a right next to the Motel. We then took another right and went down under the Motel to park. We parked the car and got the girls ready to go. We then walked over to the elevator and didn't know which number to push, so we just pushed one and went with it. I took us to the top floor where a couple of people got on. We then tried to ask this one dude where Sdot was. He really didn't understand..but he did get us to the ground level! We walked outside and figured we had to cross the street. There was no crosswalk around ..so we had to walk all the way down to the next red light and over. We walked back down and took a right into what looked like downtown. Jenna then tired to ask a young couple where Sdot was and they didn't understand either. We walked a little ways and came to a coffee shop where Jenna went in and asked. A young man told us that we need to walk back toward the Motel and turn right. We walked a little ways and finally found it! WOOHOO!
I was so happy..I took a picture!

We finally stepped in the place and I basically had to wipe drool off my mouth. This place is awesome! It's 4 or 5 levels high and has anything you can image it when it comes to crafts. Jenna and I agreed we could spend hours in it. I do still miss my Hobby Lobby though..cause the prices where pretty high on some things. My paints were a little more expensive then back home and the brushes were out there too. I can defiantly find better prices online..but I wanted something in hand now.
Here's the stuff I got.
I have plans for these two canvas.. to put in Mackey and Story's rooms. I started Mackey's today..and will hopefully finish tomorrow.

After we tore up the store..we headed out and had to walk ALL the way back to that red light to cross the street. Story had a fit some of the way back cause I couldn't carry her..so that was fun. Jenna then let Story sit in Madison's lap and that seemed to be ok with her.We finally got back to our car and had the worst time trying to buckle Mackey's seat up..I swear we spent at least 10 minutes trying to. I was soooo done with the night and the way it was going. We hopped in and drove out into the darkness. Oh the darkness..I forgot about it getting dark. I thought in my head..I'm having to drive in dark..in this traffic! Oh ..but Jenna was so helpful. We plugged in home on the GPS..but I'd forgot that it doesn't take us straight to Walker..cause it acts like it doesn't know where it's at. So when we reached our destination..and it's totally was not. Jenna saw where we were at and knew where we were at. We finally found in the GPS Camp Walker and plugged it in. It finally took us to gate 6 and we were finally safe from the big bad "outside". We then drove through the drive thru of Burger King and went home.

HOME sweet HOME...

This night was soooo stressful..I was glad it was over! Thank you Jenna for being there with me all the way! ;)

Hope everyone had a great Monday!

God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Coby you did it!!!! All it takes is one time, the next time will be easier, easier and before you know it...it will be like driving here, you won't even think about it. So proud of you! Can't wait to see what you will paint. Love and miss you baby! Tell everyone we love them!
