Sunday, April 6, 2014

The mermaid party

So yesterday was Mackey's 4th Birthday Party. We invited just the people from our Bible Study group. One family wasn't going to be here in Daegu that day. We found out today that the other family thought the party was on Sunday. I told Andrew that..Mackey wouldn't care if not a lot of people were there. Madison and her family came and she was super excited about that! If you can't tell from the was a little mermaid party. This is the first party that I've thrown by mom always comes and helps me with them and that takes some of the stress of me. Not having her here was hard..but I managed through it!

Mackey had been talking about her cake ALL week!!

Gotta have my it!
Story's ready for the party to start!
The Mason are here!! Let the Party begin!

Madison handed Mackey and Story her invitation to her 3rd Birthday Party at the end of the month.

The girls then dove right into the ballons! Let's just say isn't wasn't fun when they would get popped.
Everyone got to wear a princess dress

We had pizza (what Mackey asked for) and chips...cake and ice cream to eat.

When it was time to eat cake..we found out that the icing turned all our mouths purple and blue. Madison's face
The girls then ate some ice cream

Then it was time to open gifts..

Little mermaid night light


Madison picked the card out herself..and Mackey LOVED it!

Little mermaid towel! Thanks Madison!


Doodle board!


THANK YOU jenna and matt

Daddy putting the toys together

Silly girl

Dance time

See Mackey's arm..she was so dirty from all the cake and ice cream

She had a great party, but we all needed to lay down and take a nap..cause the Daddy/Daughter Dance was that night.

To be continued tomorrow!

Love to all


  1. Great party!!! You did so good Coby!!! My first party not to help..I'm so sad, but happy for did such a great job!!! Love you baby and missing you and the girls and Andrew so much! I will try to facetime you this afternoon, Reanna and kids are coming over to spend some time today, we will all get on.

  2. Hi Coby! I am your cousin Tony Riddle's wife, Kim. I love reading about your adventures in Korea. What are all the things on the wall, and what did you use to hang them? They look like little doll houses.

    1. They are Polly Pockets Wall Party Play Sets...they girls got some from their nana and papa for Christmas..and we have just added to them. We got ours at Walmart..the come with command strips to hand them up. They also come with the dolls and other small stuff
