Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter and Some More

We had a wonderful Good Friday night service! All the protestant services all got together for a combined service. There was a Gospel choir there and they sang really good...I told Andrew that we needed to visit their service one Sunday. The message was on point and all about what happened before, during, and after Jesus died. We are truly blessed with such a good Chapel church here in Korea! 

Saturday morning was the Easter egg hunt at The Evergreen (the golf coarse). We woke up early and got ourselves ready. We walked on over to The was so cold and the wind wasn't helping at all. We had to wait in line for it to open up and for them to start letting people in. I didn't dress the girls up cause I didn't know what to expect from the hunt. So.. to make them look a bit dresser..I let them wear their hats. I hadn't bought them a Easter basket we used some thirty-one totes that we already had. 

Show me your Easter basket Mackey!
We were just there a few moments till Madison and her parents came up and the girls saw each other.

When we got inside..they had all kinds of stations you could go to like..face painting..bunny ears..making a Easter Bag.. and decorating eggs...there was also a bubble blowing station outside. They also had a breakfast buffet for everyone.


We got our food rather quickly, and ate..then went to the face painting station before it got crowded.
Madison and Jenna

waiting in line for face painting

Mackey asked for a bunny..goodness she looks so big here!

Mackey's Bunny..depending on how you look at looks like the bunny is crying..maybe cause Jesus was still dead on Saturday? ;)
 It took a while for the girl to do Mackey's bunny and the hunt for Story's age group was about to begin so we asked for her to do a bunny nose and whiskers for her.
Miss Bunny
After face painting we saw some people starting outside for the hunt we decided that we'd go also. As we went down some stairs , Story made a quick friend and grabbed her hand. It was the cutest thing ever!

She walked with her a good ways there.

Once we got over to where they where having it ..we saw everyone running out to get eggs! It wasn't even suppose to start yet! We were 15 minutes early! Story didn't get any eggs...she was a little confused about it all and I was a little upset with it all. A woman and her kid did come up to us and she realized that Story didn't have any. Her little girl had 3 and she gave us one. That was pretty sweet of her!
I think Story was happy with her one egg.

A little later..the people over the hunt came out and started putting my eggs down on the ground . They laid 2 right in front of us and I told Story to pick up one and leave the other one for someone else that didn't have many. Not but 5 seconds later a couple and their little girl came by that all ready had about 10 in her basket and the mom goes...Oh ..get that one! I was like...Really??

One thing I am so thankful for is ..that our girls don't have to have it ALL to have it get me?

The girls loving on their daddy after Story's hunt
We then made our way back inside and got in line to get pictures with the Easter bunny.

Big Bird came up and play with us while we were in line..

 Story did not like all!!

Daddy talked to her about it for a little bit and she got over her fear!!

Mackey the whole time was going...Hey...there's a person in there! haha

Daddy told the girls that they had been so good so if they were still being good by the time we left ..we would go to the PX and get them a real Easter basket!

This made the girls so happy and Story even sat beside the Easter Bunny.

After the pictures were taken we stood around for a little bit and decided that this place was crazy!

All the people in here was stressing us we decided that after Mackey's hunt we would leave.

We then got bunny ears..

This made Story a true bunny!!

We then decided to take it outside to the bubble station

The wind was blowing so hard that they didn't even need to blow on soon as they lifted it up the bubbles came out!

We played with bubbles till Mackey's hunt started. Her and daddy went alone this time..yes I was sad I didn't get to take pictures of it :(

Story and I went back inside to get out of the cold.

Mackey and daddy came back with 3 a bit more from the workers.

We were so Over this place and called it quits. But the girls were so good we walked over to the PX and let them pick out an Easter basket.

Story choose a basket with a dodge ball and some candy in it.

Mackey choose a Princess Basket

On Sunday we woke up real early and went to Son rise service at the Evergreen. They served us breakfast before the service which was really nice!

walking to church

Everyone stopped by and told us how pretty the girls were.

Do I have something in my teeth?

The chaplain's message was about Mary and how she must have felt when she saw that Jesus was gone from his tomb.
John 20 11-13
11 Mary was standing outside the tomb crying, and as she wept, she stooped and looked in. 12 She saw two white-robed angels, one sitting at the head and the other at the foot of the place where the body of Jesus had been lying. 13 “Dear woman, why are you crying?” the angels asked her.
“Because they have taken away my Lord,” she replied, “and I don’t know where they have put him.”

He related it back to a woman from one of his churches he went to. This woman was pregnant and on bed rest at 20 weeks till she was due. Her church helped her and her family out with meals and this baby she was having became very important and special to this church. She had this baby he was just fine. Months went by and the Chaplain got a call to go straight to the hospital ...the woman that had the baby was crying and said to the chaplain.."my baby is baby is gone"...( the baby went to sleep and never woke up)...he said..this is probably like what Mary felt when she saw Jesus was gone. "My Lord is gone!"

After church we walked back home and I took some pictures of the girls.

That was it for our Easter...but here are some funny videos that happen this week!

I was putting the water up in the fridge and Story wanted to help...I asked her to keep the door open for me ..but she had a different idea!

Story was playing with her Daddy

Story's birthday is coming up ..and I was asking her what she wanted the theme to be and she said Jesus...I have asked her many other times ..thinking she would say something else..but it is always ..I want a Jesus Party!

The girls are getting so smart. I love to hear them talk about Jesus or God. I pray that Andrew and I can keep them focused on Him...cause there's nobody else in this world that they are gonna need more than Him!

I hope each and everyone of you had a blessed Easter! I'm so happy to say that my Lord Jesus Christ Died and Rose from the dead...for Me.....and YOU!!



1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful blog....the girls are so good, I also understand about the eggs, me and your daddy went through that also, its can be overwhelming. You three girls were always good about what you got, it was us that was upset. (and thats just a parent thing, as you know now.) The pictures are so good. Story is growing up so fast, both her and Mackey are going to be and are special people. We miss you all so you all always!
