Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Daddy Daughter Dance

Ok..so after Mackey's party on Saturday the girls took a nap while I cleaned up from the great festivities. We they woke up I gave them a bath since they were so gross from all the cake and ice cream they ate. Yes..I let them sleep in it..they didn't seem to mind ;).

After the bath I blowed dried Mackey hair and straightened it. Wish Story's I just put a little moose in it and perfect curls sat on top of her pretty little head. We then put on their traditional Korean dresses and some comfortable shoes since you couldn't see them anyways.

When we left our house , I decided to take some lovely pictures.

It was a little windy!

Look how sweet she looks.

Sister Love

Headed to the car

"Pick up your dress..so you don't trip"

daddy opens the door like a gentleman 

We then headed over to the PX where all the taxis are lined up..and hope in one to head over to Camp George where the dance was.
Inside the Taxi

Little Entrance way to the dance

Inside...the place was just beautiful..

Daddy and the girls took their seats. Each little girl got a crown, wings, and a star wang.

Daddy already letting them eat cookies before the meal.

Madison and her daddy Matt.

Wings, pulled pork, and a potatoe bar was the menu..with of course fruits and veggies....with some Cake...and ice cream bar

Haha Jenna!

Jenna and I got to sit in the back and watch the party from a far!


Dancing with Daddy

 There was a lot of dancing going on..they did the electric slide and the chicken dance..they played almost all the songs of Frozen's soundtrack..which was funny to hear all the girls sing along.

The girls with Madison.
They had a pretty good time. Mackey is kind of a dance alone type person and Story wasn't in her best mood ..but did pretty good.  Can't wait till the next one!

God Bless
The Brands


  1. Love the pics! Miss you all so very much!

  2. That video is the sweetest thing!!! Love the dance, I know Mackey and Story loved it, and Andrew too! Tell all I said hi and that I love and miss everyone!!! Love and miss you too baby!
