Saturday, April 12, 2014

New Friends

Hey there everybody! I know its been a little bit since I wrote and I'm very sorry I'm not writing everyday like I use to. It just takes a lot of time out of our week to post something everyday.

 But..the other day we went to a new part of town with some new friends. Andrew met Tyler at new comer origination when we first got here. We have invited them to Wednesday night bible study every week..but something has always got in the way of them coming..truly. We finally decided to get together this Thursday so we could meet their family.

 We met at the Chapel and from there followed them to the lake ( I don't know the name of it). We got turned around a couple of times..but eventually we got there. As we got out of the cars our family met theirs. The have a little girl named Taylor (4 years old) and a little boy (I have already forgot his name, 20 months). Sonny is the wife's name and when she talks she has a Texas accent that Andrew just LOVED(she is Korean and they have lived in Texas for a couple of years). He met her in Seoul on his last deployment here.

We were so happy that Mackey and Taylor hit it off really fast!

The weather was very cool and the wind blowing didn't make it any better. We started walking around the lake and then went off the path a little ..down a side street.

Man made Lake
 Something Andrew was puzzled about was why would they spend all this money and waste all this land ..I figured it had to be land that couldn't be built on..
To the side of the lake there is a little theme park which wasn't open..for some reason it was close..maybe too cold?

You can rent paddle boats to go out of the lake.

I can't believe how photogenic my girls are

Tyler and his little can see some of the theme park in the background

 After this picture is where we went down the side road towards the theme park.

I don't know whast up with me wanting to take pictures of all the flowers here..but I thought these were beautiful!

This is the Airplane Cafe...they sell coffee and little cafe type food...we didn't go in ..but I've heard of this place from other ladies here.

We walked down the main street and looked for somewhere to eat. Sonny being Korean helped us out in this area. She can read all the signs and tell us what each place is about. We picked a nice place that you cook your own food. Whats with us and these places??

At this one..we got to sit on the floor!

Some kind of corn soup

These are mushrooms...they were really good

We had tons of food!

Isn't Taylor the cutest little girl!!

This was the outside of the resturant 
 After we ate we walked back to our car.

The amusement park at night

The lake at night

It was so cold that night and when we got back to our cars we said our goodbyes and wish everyone a goodnight. We then drove around the lake ..which was a nice drive..and we said we would diffidently have to come back when it gets warmer.

I'm so glad we got to finally meet Tyler's family and hope to see more of them.

Thank you for being patience with me and my blog..I know many of you that look for it everyday and I apologize again for not keeping it an everyday thing. 

I hope each and everyone of you have a wonderful Saturday!
God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures of the girls and their new friends. Is this place near by? So neat! Love and miss you all!
