Friday, April 18, 2014


Hey Everybody! I'm just going to write about some things that went on this week. It hasn't been such a good week for me..truth be told..I've been felling a little out of it..not stressed..just a little down. I don't even know why..nothing bad has happened.

It might be that I haven't been reading my Bible like I should. My flesh has been so weak. I would go to do something that I wanted to do and something would tell me that I should be reading His Word instead, but I would go right back to doing what I wanted to do :(

Andrew had been asking me what was wrong with me all week. I couldn't really give him an answer...till last night when I finally read my Bible. I got much joy from reading it...I don't know why I kept it from myself.

I believe He is trying to tell me about spiritual gifts cause I was reading about it last night and was so interested in it.. then this morning 2 people had posted about it on Facebook! Today I took a test and it said that my top is Faith..then Pastor (haha)..then evangelism. Don't really know what those all intel..but I think I need to figure it I can start using them! These spiritual gifts are from God..and everybody has one..everybody is different in their gifts also..we all make up the body of Christ.

Anywho! Here are a couple of things we did this week.

This was Last Sunday..we went to get Daddy a golf bag caddy

They loved hanging on these poles

Their hands were soo dirty after this!

Monday we got a package from some friends back home! I was so excited just to know that they were thinking about us!

We got all kinds of Easter goodies, play dough, seeds, chalk, lipstick, cookie mix, GIRL SCOUT COOKIES, Fast food gift cards, bubbles, socks, homemade headbands, a egg dying kit , a prayer book for moms,Magazines and more!
Thank you again Joelle Jones, Diana Taylor , Kari Garner, Beth Trees, and Jen Young! It really blessed me to think you were thinking of us! I miss all of you so much!

The girls playing with their Easter sticker books.
Mackey wearing her new headband
Wednesday was Program Day at PWOC. On Program Days we don't have our normal Bible study. We have regular worship and a Chaplin usually talks. This month the Chaplin talked about the Whys and Hows we need to get closer to God. Number 1 of the Whys is so that we know where we are going when we leave this world. He made a realistic point when he said.."If you don't like spending time with God on Earth..what makes you think that you will when you get to Heaven"? Number 2 is that so we know we are on the right track. Number 3 is that we have someone there when trouble comes our way (or something of that nature? was a couple of days ago). The hows are...1. Just Do it!..Number 2...When you do it carefully!...Number 3..Rely on Him..and know's not's him. It wasn't the best message I've ever heard..but it was good since...I told you this week that I wasn't doing so good. Well..after that we all got feed to the max. Mrs. April (our Bible study leader really went all out with the theme Tea for Two..Time with God. The food was amazing!
Everyone say Hi Kelly!

We had chicken salad sandwiches on croissants, cucumber sandwiches, some kind of tomato bisque soup , greek salad, salmon bread thingys (which I passed on), sausage quiche 

Scones, cupcakes , chocolate pudding, and flower cookies!

Pretty table we got to keep the tea cups

We had a fun time...well until the childcare worker came and got me cause Story was crying.

This week I was also really into painting...I do love to paint and I got my paint I order from Hobby Lobby. Thank goodness the shipping was fast..I got my stuff in about a week and a half!! The paint here is a bit expensive...$10 for a 8oz tube and they normally just have your basic colors. I had just bought a 36 count of paints right before we left ..and I wasn't allowed to take them with I gave them away to a family member that's really artistic. I hope she is enjoying them. So, I bought me the same kit and went to town painting.

I had a few canvas that I had painted before we got here..and I wasn't pleased with them I started to paint over them. I wish I would have took a picture of them before I did...

I found a couple of paintings off of Pinterest that I like and tried to copy one. This canvas already had blue paint all over I decided this picture (not the computer) would be good.
I don't paint things that look realistic ... Just stuff that looks like a doodle...I wish I could take some art classes to get better though

Finished project...I didn't think I was going to like how it turned out..but I really do!

I made this while the guys where putting in our ceiling fan..YES..we finally got a light in our living room!!
Still don't know what I'm going to do with this painting..don't think I'm done with it yet. Any suggestions? Maybe a letter..or quote?

Another painting..I posted this one on Facebook ..I know a lot of you saw it :)
Bwt....I am just learning..and teaching myself along the way..I know my work looks like a 2nd grader painted it..but thats what I like anyways..the home made look lol

Mackey and Story loved painting with me..Mackey made lots of crosses 

Story made this abstract flower..(truly she had no help from me)

Story loves these wings..she was too cool for school this day..

Dying eyes for the first time ever!

waiting isn't a strong suit of the girls :)

They didn't turn out like I'd hope they would..but not bad for the first time..We loved the purples one ..if you can't tell..they did the best.

Story breaking out the tunes...maybe Ryder had a little influence on her?

Just wanted to show y'all some of my Easter decorations
I painted these a little before we left..not for Easter or anything..but I think they could be that a word?

My lovely chalkboard..not really what I was going for..but I did it late at night and was too lazy to change it

Another chalkboard sign..I had this saying up last year..and still love it!
Well..that is all for today...

I hope everyone has a wonderful Good Friday! Can you imagine if this day didn't exists? No Holy Spirit!! God has BIG plans for each and everyone of us...why would he have sent His son to die for us if he didn't?

Shout out to Catfish (my sister's boyfriend) ..his mother past away recently. I'm so sorry for you lost . I have never lost anybody close to me.. so I'm not going to act like I know what your going through..I pray that God would give you peace and understanding.  

Good night (well good morning to some of you)
and God Bless!


  1. Happy easter! Love you all

  2. Great post! Love your paintings, but you know how I always have loved your doodles! Its hard to believe y'all have been gone almost 3 months. Its not getting easier, its getting harder, miss you all so much!
    I mailed the girls Easter box, sorry I mailed it kinda late, but then the girls will have a surprise after Easter.
    Love you always!

  3. i love you painting also!! the one of the flag that you painted on top of the zigzags is really awesome, and story and mackey did a great job on their paintings also. tell them hey for me :)
    haha, if donna reads my post it never gets easier!!!!
    love yall, Happy Easter
