Thursday, April 24, 2014

First T-ball Practice

So this past Tuesday was Mackey's first T-ball Practice! Andrew is actually coaching her and she was so excited about playing. Here is how it went.

Around 5:00 pm we hopped on over to Camp George. They have a turf field there and its really pretty nice. We got set up..put the bases up ..the t-ball stand and the bats and gloves. Finally around 5:30 all the parents and their little kidos came walking up.

I am so excited to meet all the parents and kids. All the parents seem really nice and I hope Mackey can make some new friends while she plays.

Andrew started out by asking them .."who has ever seen baseball on tv?"...a couple rise their hands and the others really didn't have a clue what it was.

At first he had them to hit the ball off the t-stand with their hands and run around the bases....lets just say the first go of it didn't go very well..the kids didn't know where to run to and were just running all over the place...

in girl in the back is in the outfield..she was suppose to be running the bases ;)

The second time around some of us parents picked a base and stood near and told the kids where to go next (I picked second). That worked out much better...It's so funny how when they are this age..they LOVE to run!

Go Mackey go!
Next they practiced throwing the ball to each other..Andrew helped each of them find the right stance and taught them how to throw right.

Story watching them

They all so cute at this age!

Story..the "team manager" haha

Next..He had where one kid would bat while the other were suppose to get the ball and throw it back..but that was not what happened..all the kiddos just stood there :)

After they all batted..It will time to call it quits...It was only a 30 to 45 min practice but with little ones you can't keep their focus for too long . Andrew sat them all down and reviewed with them what they had learned that day. Then we had SNACK TIME! Everyone got a juice box and gummy snack.

I can't remember what happened here...

Anyways..I think we had a great practice! Poor Andrew though..he will be missing Mackey's first t-ball game. He is going back to The States for 2 weeks this Saturday (no we aren't going with him in hopes that we can come later for longer) for a class .

This day was busy with the morning I had a textile tour..I will post on that later..I knew a lot of people that wanting to see her practice so decided to do this one first.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday!

God Bless!


  1. Oh does that bring back memories. I know Mackey will do great! I will never forget you and your first time playing ball. You were so bad that first year and so great the second! I will always remember the first time I saw you catch a ball on third and throw the person out at first. You had such an arm! Mackey will do great like you! I know Andrew will enjoy coaching as much as your dad did! Y'all have fun! Love and miss you all so much!

  2. Love the pics! Thanks!

  3. Enjoyed the pics!
