Thursday, April 3, 2014

Mackey's 4th Birthday E-World Part2

Sorry about yesterday..I didn't post anything because the whole day was busy and bible study went on late... here is the rest of the day of Monday..Mackey's Birthday.

We went on the roller coaster ride once more and I took a video of it here:

We were fixing to ride the sky bucket and Mackey wanted to ride the log ride again before we went.
Story and daddy waiting at the log ride

Mommy and Mackey on the Log Ride

One more ride on the horses before we go!

We went back down to the front of the park where the sky buckets start and got in one the buckets.

In front of us

Behind us...the view of the city was awesome..but not as awesome as the view from the top

Infront of us ( some of the park)

To the right of us

Below us (log ride and carousel )

the beautiful mountains in the background

Behind us

Below us

Beautiful Fountain

 Finally we got up to the top and this Korean couple on the left were watching our kids the whole way.

 They finally stopped and asked if they could take a picture with Story and Mackey..Mackey was too busy doing something else...but Story actually like this dude and took a good picture for them.
 This is the Daegu Tower..It has an area at the top where you can walk around and see the city and they use to have people jumping off of it..but they no longer let you. It also has a fancy restaurant in it ...but we said we would save the top of the tower for a later day since to can buy a small ticket just for the tower and not the whole park.

I'm guessing they have concerts up here also..There's Andrew looking over the city of Daegu

I still couldn't get over how beautiful the flowers are here!

It looks like artwork!

We were a getting a little tired here

Locket Tree

We then decided that we were getting hungry we went inside the tower and down stairs to the food court. They have lots of restaurants down there..anywhere from Hamburgers, Korean Food, Pizza, Japanese. I tell you one thing...these people put a lot of money into anything and everything!

This is where we ate at. We let Mackey pick and she wanted Hamburgers.

Waiting for our food
After we ate we went back outside and took a look at the other side of the mountain we were on.

 After that we went back down on the sky bucket and walked out of the park..

The funny thing is..Do you remember when I wrote about us going to Children Hall and we met that sweet Korean lady and her children..Wendy was the little girls name. As we were walking out of the park..we ran into them. I mean...out of 2 million people in Daegu..we see someone that we only met just once. She totally recognized us at first...and it took us a little bit..but when I saw her daughter I remembered. I thought it was very neat..

Leaving E-World

We had such a great time!
 The girls were so tired that they fell asleep on the ride home. When we got home Mackey picked out the Little Mermaid II and we all fell asleep watching and daddy did :)

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday!
God Bless


  1. So glad y'all had a beautiful day and that Mackey had an awesome birthday! The pictures are great. Flowers are beautiful! Such a great park! Missing you always and loving you forever!

  2. the flowers and the trees are amazing, glad you took alot of pics of them :)

  3. Happy Birthday to Mackey!!! I love all the pics!!! It is a beautiful spring in S. Korea! I wonder what type of tree the trees with the white blooms are, we have wild plum trees blooming here that look just like these!
