Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Textile Tour and More! it's been almost a week..and told y'all that I would write a post about our textile tour. I will write about it and a couple other random things. Andrew is gone to The States at the I have the girls all to myself for the first time ever. Every time Andrew would leave us before now ..I would go to either my parents house or Andrew's parents. It's been pretty weird so far..I feel like a single parent...kudos to single parents..cause I'm not even going to work and back!

I've heard about all the tornadoes that y'all have been facing..and I'm glad to hear that each and everyone of you are safe and sound.

Well..lets start the tour.

A lady that I go to PWOC (Bible study) got the tour together (she is Korean). We all met at the Textile Business Center. It was a little hard getting there we had to wait for some others to get there. We decided to walk on in and wait inside.

Jenna and Kelly

Mackey is ready!

We are ready!

why yes..that is a baby on my back!!
Inside the building..this is where they tell us about some textile clothes and turf grass and helicopter materials..ect

Hey Story!

She didn't stay in this thing long!

Guide telling her to press a button
We finally had everybody there and we started the tour. They gave us all headphones with and little box attached. The lady that guided the tour had a microphone and we could hear her through the ear phones..It got pretty loud in some of the places we went on the tour so the earphones helped.

This button played music for a jacket 

Story started dancing

talking about reflective gear

All these clothes to the right are all from recyclable items made here in Korea

She's such a big girl!

Pointing at the bullet proof vest

talking about lite weight fishing rods

Story with Young Son...the lady that put the tour together

This lady loved talking to Mackey..Mackey thought the lady wanted her to pick the helicopter up.

"no..please don't" :)
 After  that part of the tour was over we headed over to the area that they make fabric with these huge machines.

This is done with water..don't ask me how..I didn't get to pay that close attention :)
 After we left here we drove about 7 minutes to the next place...this is where they put prints on the fabric! It was probably the neatest thing about the tour.
All the slates are different prints..and they go on forever!

Story wanted to hear

 We walked the end of the building and that is where we started the second part of the tour..

Fire!..that thing gets really hot..I don't really know what was going on here

The fabric starts off "off white" and then they put it through that fire (i think) and it comes out white(next picture)

You can't really tell from the pictures..but in person could see a huge change

 Ahhh..then to my favorite part...Printing a print on the fabric...each picture is on a different panel on assembly line.

places the ink on top

presses it into the print

print...but wait..its not done!

this was the next step print

next one

Added green!

Added more green!

Finally..the final print

washing the fabric

stream washing the fabric

After this..they show us how the fabric felt..

Jenna and I wanted to buy this right then...but they don't sell anything there :(

 We then went to an upstairs place and had this room with all different kinds of stuff made out of their fabric.

Mackey and Story liked posing withe the mannequins 

"let me hold her hand mommy"

Then we went up another set of stairs and went into a room where there where people making the prints on a computer! That was also neat to see the artist drawing out prints.

We also got to ask the artist questions..

At this time the kids where getting restless and was all over the I was getting on to them..the guide came over to me and don't need to scold them..they are good kids...and I told her..that why they are good ..cause we do scold them :)
That was it! The tour was over and we went outside and talked a bit till we left.

its hot out here

the guide let Mackey hear herself through the microphone 

Of course Story had to do the same!

Well that was it for the tour..but I have some other things to put on here...

Here are some pictures Mackey took during the tour with my phone..enjoy!

Last Thursday they were giving each house on base 25 plants they could pick out to put in their after we picked our plants out..I spent Mackey and Story's nap time plowing our flower beds. Note..I have never done this before..yes..I had no clue to what I was doing..I just used a hoe and went at it!

Man..this is hard work! HA!

Rest time!
I didn't even get to put in the flowers...we had tball practice that afternoon!

After practice..eating their snacks
Story had been running a fever for the past couple of on Friday I decided to take her to the doctors. When we got there ..they had me call the interpreter line..and no body was answering. So the lady told me that I would be seeing a different doctor then we went to last time. We usually only have to wait 10 to 15 minutes to see a doctor..but this time..she told me I'd be waiting 30 minutes. This is a picture of a Korean lady with her baby that Mackey took..

After waiting around 50 minutes to see the doctor we finally got called in. This was a woman doctor and she clearly spoke ..really good English..wha? Where have they been hiding her? On top of that..she ask what her symptoms were and all I could tell her was a fever that has lasted for 2 days. She then proceeded to look in her ears...what I loved about her is that she had a micro camera thingy with a small TV letting her and me see inside Story's ear! She checked both ears and said..nope..they are good! She then put it down her throat and saw the problem. I can't remember what she said was wrong..but she knew and told me that Story will take antibiotics for 3 days (not the 7or 10 days? SCORE!). It all went super and out joke 5 minutes!

I then went downstairs to pay and it was like 13,000 won ($13). What? Last time our bill was around $60 note..that was for both girls..but if you divide that by 2...
Then I went to get her medicine..and it was only $9..again..last time it was $57(for 2)

I really like this doctor and I hope when we go back that we get her again..
OH...and Story was back to healthy in 2 days!

On the way back home we met up with Andrew and Mr.Kim...Andrew got the girls ice cream for being good.

Love their faces!
Saturday night was the first night without Daddy..we ate at Italy Italy ..duh!
Got a package from Nonna and Poppy!

New Kicks!

Some Pez..Glow in the dark sticks..Doc McStuffins books..some Easter eggs not shown

Sunday the girls and I went to the Gospel Service at was good..but it was around 2 hours long..and it was hard keeping the girls quiet and still that had planned on going to see the movie..Heaven is for Real..and it started at 3:00(last showing from what I know of )..that left me with 30 minutes to go home and get the girls change and grab us something to eat...let's just say we made it..but by the skins of our teeth. The movie was pretty good..I teared up in a lot of spots..but for some reason..I think it could have been better. At first..the girls didn't get why they couldn't try and yell over the movie to tell me they were thirsty or what not..and then Story feel asleep on me cause she couldn't sit in her sit without it folding up on her..then while Story was asleep on me Mackey found some way of getting her leg stuck in between the back of the seat. She started freaking out..which only embarrassed me more..and I had to wake Story up to get Mackey's leg took forever and her still freaking out..Story fell back to sleep though and we had a pretty good rest of the movie.

On Monday we planted Flowers...yes..I dug up the flower beds for nothing ( needed to be I guess not for nothing)..I got some plastic pots from the PX and painted them..cause they were an ugly tan color. Then the girls and I went to town placing them in the pots..
Mackey said all the flowers are girls..and she talks to them and sings to them "It'll be ok little miss..I'll take care of you" she says.

We did this inside cause it has been raining for the past 3 days!

On our door Step

I made the mistake of pouring the water on top of the my flower pot looks gross..oh well

Didn't make the same mistake here :)
Painted this one it for 2,000won ($2) at the dollar store and painted it black with white polka how it turned I just need 3 more just like it :)
I also wanted like a wreath..but decided I would paint something instead and put it up like a wreath..
It looks a lot better outside with the other stuff..but I don't have a picture of it all I bought it inside to take a picture of it. I will take a picture of it all and post it on Facebook tomorrow afternoon.

Well that is it for this post! I hope you enjoyed it! I pray you all stay safe in this crazy weather!

May God be with you!