Friday, January 31, 2014

Uneventful Thursday

Yesterday was very uneventful. Andrew went to work and said that they just played around all day and as did I and girls at home. We woke as we usually do and ate breakfast. After Andrew left for work the girls and I watched a movie or two. The girls haven't slept well since we got here and this night was no different. I had a thought to myself and decided to put the girls down for a nap around 10:30. I figured that if they took a nap now, by the time bedtime would come around, they would be really sleepy and sleep all night. The girls woke up around 1:00 pm and we ate lunch and they took their medicine. I spent most of the day trying to figure out how to use iMovie and writing our big adventure we had the previous day. After Andrew got home, he watched a couple of movies while I filled out some paperwork for the girls about daycare and preschool.

I have a spouse orientation on the 6th of February. Hopefully I can find out some more information about the bases and things to do on them. Andrew saw a banner up around the PX talking about a T-ball league for ages 3-5. We definitely want to sign Mackey up for it.

I also found some packets downstairs in the lobby.

Camp Walker Map

The red heart is where our house is located. The yellow star is Mackey and Story's preschool. The orange star is the Fitness Center. The pink star is the Chapel. The red star is the Commissary(grocery store). The blue star is the PX(department store,hair salon, food court,flower shop). The green star is hotel we are staying in at the moment.

I got more packets, but the others aren't that interesting.

Here is a video of the trumpets sounding:

Not much happened this day, but tomorrow I will have another video for you..we might even get out tonight for the Lunar New Year.... we will see.

Oh yes and the whole early nap totally let's see how they do tonight!

Bless you all!

The Brand Fam


  1. Hopefully mom got some sleep as well!

  2. You are doing a great job Coby!

  3. I think you will like the house on the base, esp with the kids going to preschool there. Mackey playing ball! Picking up where mom left off, going to hate missing that! Things are getting back to normal here, weather is getting warmer. I love you baby, keep up the good work, I am so proud of you!

  4. brett so enjoyed the bugel video......NOT!! haha
