Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Better Today

Yesterday was a little better than the day before. We actually got out of the hotel and Andrew's sponsor Mike took us to Camp Henry to get Andrew and I ID cards so we may get on and off the camps as we please. He also took us to get my food ration card which tells how much I may buy at the commissary (military grocery store). After that we went to a nice restaurant on base and ate some lunch. Mackey still isn't well and she didn't eat much. Her and Story are still both on a weird schedule and I think their stomachs are too. Mike came back to pick us up (we don't have a car or driver's license yet, we take the test next Monday) and we took off to buy me a phone YAY! I decided to get the iPhone 5s since all our stuff (Apple Tv, Computer, iPad mini's) are Apple products and they easily link. It's funny looking at the phone charger seeing that the plug is way different than ours back home.
The iPhone links up to our Vonage number also, so if we are out and miss your call from the house number, it calls my cell phone.

Side note: I had a Korean fellow call me earlier today (wrong number) and was trying to talk to me in Korean. All I could say was "HELLO" :). He hung up and called me again..and I declined

After we got my cell phone we went to the PX to pick up some things for the hotel like the kids bath wash soap, medicine for Mackey, washing detergent, so on and so on. It's a pretty cool place considering you can get just about anything there. It's like you stepped into a department store that sells things for the household also.

Mike and Andrew dropped me and the girls back at the hotel and went back to work for the day. Later Andrew came home from work and gave me the notes for the driving test and I looked over them as he played a game on his phone (the girls were taking a well needed nap). That night I ordered pizza (yes for the second night in a row lol) and did much better this time!

Andrew found out that they are trying to get us a house on base to live in. Originally this was the plan when Andrew interviewed for the job. When we accepted, plans changed and they said we would be living off base, most likely in an apartment. The apartments are really really nice here. So we began emailing realtor companies here back when we were in The States. I got really excited after seeing some of the wonderful apartments that we could be living in. Then when Andrew gave the news of we might be living on base...I got kind of bummed. From what I've seen online the houses on base are very basic and old (looks like made in the 70s). Then I realize , HEY DUMMY, It's not about you..it's about where GOD wants you to be! Where ever he puts us, he has a reason for doing so. Any who, Andrew said that it would be a big honor to live on base since they don't let but one or two civilians live on it.Another plus is we will be close to the PX and other stuff for the kiddos.

Side note: I can't wait till our car comes in (no later than the 12th of February) so we don't have to rely on someone taking us places.

Well, that sums it up for yesterday. Hope everyone had a great day! Maybe I can find something more interesting to talk about later.

안녕히 가세요
annyeonghi gaseyo


  1. Glad you got a meal other than fast food. Hope Mackey feels better. You guys are going to miss the snow here. Honestly will feel better about you on base. Hope you are enjoying your day......oh yeah and was it the commissary?

    1. It was the PX lol..I thought the PX was the commissary ..and the commissary was the PX.

  2. Good to hear from you! We have been stranded at home with no phone or internet. We have about 3 " of snow here at the lake. Tell the girls we love them! And love you too baby!
