Sunday, January 26, 2014

On to New Adventures...

January 24 2014

We woke up this morning around 4:30 am. The girls were still sleepy as we left the hotel around 4:50 am. It was so cold this morning..I believe around 11 degrees outside. It took only 7 minutes to get to the airport.The airport didn’t open till 5 but, when we got there, there were tons of asian kids (more than 50) and others waiting in line to get their luggage checked. Andrew waited in line and it took up 30 minutes. I was so worried we wouldn’t make it through the metal detector line to get to our gate on time. We made it on time though. Our first flight was only 1 hr and 40 minutes long and the time seemed to go by fast. The girls sat with me in a row of three and Andrew sat in the other row of three with a woman and her son (they were very nice). The girls were extremely good and we didn’t have any problems other than Mackey spilling some of her apple juice in her lap. That flight seems like ages ago lol (I'm writing this on our 15 hour flight at the 12 hour mark). 

Just a side note: the girls love looking out the window of the airport and also saying this is the big plane that was the small plane. 

When we landed in Dallas,Texas we found out that we didn’t have to check our bags again and that we wouldn’t be going through customs till we got in South Korea. That took a load off of us since we only had 2 hrs there and we decided to have some lunch at TGIF Fridays.

 It was still kinda morning, but we didn’t know when the next time we would be eating again considering it said that we would be only getting one meal on the plane. After we ate we boarded the plane, Mackey first in line. She stopped and sat in every empty seat in each row and said “ Is this ours?” Finally she got to our seats way in the back and we sat down in a row of 5. No one showed up in the 5th spot so after we got in the air we expanded so we could have some more room. It wasn’t very long at all before the girls both fell asleep. While they were napping, the airline fed us lunch, our choice of rice and chicken or something called bb and rice.It also came with a salad, roll, soft swiss cheese and crackers,and a brownie that was very good. 

The girls woke up from a very long nap and decided they needed some snacks. Andrew loaded us up on some cookies and cheese bits and candy bars before we loaded the second plane. The first and second plane were nice and had some movies for all of us to watch. I really liked the place on the tv screen where you could look and see where the airplane was at that moment on the map. Pretty much all we did on this flight was eat drink sleep and watch movies. Story got a little emotional on the plane .. she look over at me and all she said was…"Mommy I love you" and then just tore up crying. We were asking what was wrong with her and she wouldn't/couldn't  say. When she gets worked up enough, she will throw up..and that’s what she did. Then, after she settled down she told us she had to pee and that was the reason. It was a little weird. She is now sleeping in daddy’s arms and Mackey is playing the minion game on the iPad mini. 

I thought I would write all this down so I wouldn’t forget it when go back and post something. Two and a half more hours on this plane and we will be on the next one after a 4 hour layover, then 30 or 40 minutes on the last plane. It still hasn’t hit home for Andrew and I that we will be living somewhere else for 3 years. 

The next day I wrote this:

The Korean airport in Seoul was wonderful! It was a little bit of a cultural shock as we left the plane and got onto the shuttle to get our luggage . The shuttle came to our stop (and also everyone else’s that was on the shuttle) when we went to get off there was a lot of pushing, but that is said to be normal here. We went through a line that asked for our passports and they took a picture of us and got our finger prints (sounds like we went to jail lol).From there we went to get our luggage. They have these big carts for everyone(free of charge) to put their luggage on which was great for us cause we had a lot of luggage and a good bit of distance to travel with some sleepy little girls. We put our luggage on it and topped it off with the girls. They loved riding on top and was waving to the people we passed by. From there we went through customs, which was awesome. We had no line, they asked a couple questions about weapons and Andrew showed them PCS papers and we were off to our next location. 

Sidenote: Everyone we came encounter with were super nice and loved talking to the girls. 

We had to check our bags again for our next and final flight but they weren’t opened when we got there. So we stood around waiting for it to open and several Koreans came up to us and started asking the girls questions,like how old are you, whats your name. Mackey was in a terrible mood(she went to sleep about 20 minutes before our last plane landed and I had to wake her up). I was so afraid she was going to be rude to these nice people trying to chat her up. We had to wait for 2 hrs till our next flight and Andrew got the good idea to get some ice-cream for the girls. We all got a little sick (allergies) from the 15 hr flight and he thought it would be good on their throats. He came back with 3 large cups of of cookies and cream ice-cream and the man next to us said “Way too much”! It was funny cause I was thinking the same thing. We didn’t eat but 1 and half cups of it , but it did feel good on the throat, good call Andrew. 

I also took a picture of one the TV's in the airport..I thought it was cool that everything was in Korean.

Finally we boarded the plane and took off into the air, I look over and Andrew is dead asleep with his mouth hanging wide open. It made me laugh a little. The girls were their worst on this flight, but thank goodness it only lasted a half hour. We made it to Daegu Airport and was crossing our fingers that there was someone there to pick us up. Mike, a guy that Andrew will be working with was there and he helped us get our luggage in his car. The moment we rolled out of the parking lot the girls were asleep again. It was fun riding to the hotel, getting to see the streets and shops around the town.The scooters ride on the sidewalk and get in front of all the cars at red lights. They defiantly like neon lights and bright colors! We made it to the hotel and put the girls to bed right away. Andrew and I stayed up and little bit to put some stuff up and post a little message on Facebook that we were here. We went to bed around 11pm Saturday night.

Thank you God for such a good trip over, it could have been a lot worst.
That’s all for now, Thanks for reading.