Thursday, January 30, 2014

Yay for food!

January 29th 2014

The girls are still not sleeping well and it’s driving me insane! I feel like I have a newborn ..correction ..2 newborns again. I was never cut out to be a newborn mommy since I LOVE to sleep. They wake me up in the middle of the night to go to the potty (story can’t reach the seat) , to put another movie on for them, to get them something to drink (which just makes them go to the potty more). They also get ready loud playing with each other and I have to go tell them to be quite that there are others in this hotel that are trying to sleep.

Side note: On base they have a automatic outside alarm clock of trumpets that goes off at 6:30 am. The first time we heard it, it surprised us a bit. I can’t remember put sometime in the after noon I believe they lower the flag. I knew this because yet again the trumpet sounds went off, but they played the same music a trumpet player would play at 4th quarter of my high school football game when they lowered the flag.

I get up way earlier here then I use to back home. It’s a good thing though cause I see Andrew before he goes off to work and I get to run down stairs to the lobby where they serve food and get the girls some breakfast before he leaves.

Yesterday Andrew came home around lunch and we walked over to the commissary (grocery store) to get some food for this week. When we walked in we had to show our ID and my ration paper. After that, we started browsing the food isles.  We were so happy they had the same peanut butter we use!

 Here are some other things we got there:
Stocked our fridge with pudding,yogurt,salad,cucumbers, hotdogs,juice,cheese, bread,coke, beef,mac and cheese etc etc
Weird Milk..3 quarts
Thank goodness for Alfredo sauce 

Only 52 cents here!

 The walk back to the hotel almost killed me I need to get in better shape! Andrew went back to work and the girls ate some salad and took a nap. When Andrew got home, I realized I forgot some stuff at the grocery store so I went back and picked them up. I cooked some pasta Alfredo with salad for dinner and by the time we all got done eating , we wanted our bed.

Andrew found out that we would be staying on base and that we would living in a house with 1500 sq, about 700 less than what we thought we would have. We move in next Wednesday! Here's to not having to stay in a hotel room for a month!!

We had such an adventure today, and I will be writing about it tomorrow. It will also have some video in be sure to read it!

Till tomorrow!

Oh yes! If your wondering where all our clothes are, here are some pictures for you! If any of you have any questions, or want to see pictures of certain things just ask!

Mackey cheesing for the camera

Story wanted some action also!


  1. Glad you won't be in the hotel long. Separate rooms for the girls may help them adjust quicker and also realize it's not a vacation. Hope you sleep better tonight. Find a step stool for the bathroom.

  2. Yeah for getting your house so soon! Boo for it being so small. How many bedrooms are there? That was one of the things I knew would happen about the girls, but time will take care of that. So happy you are sending daily reports. I really love them! Love you and miss you so much!
