Sunday, May 25, 2014

PWOC Retreat

Our PWOC went on a two day retreat to Gyeongju, South was a little more than an hour and a half away. We stayed a the Hilton there..which was really nice!

Our Room...these beds are supposedly twins..but more like fulls

Our bathroom

Oh..look at all those buttons!

My roomie..Emily

 After we got settled in our room we had time to "play" before we all met up to go out to eat that night. So we decided that we would go drive some four wheelers.
The girls :)

this is where we will be driving

walking up to the four wheelers

The riders: Rebecca, Me, Tiffany

ready to ride

showing off our helmets

we are ready!

For only 25,000 won you can rent the four wheeler for an hour.

We got down on the course and went to go see the girls on the bridge..

being goofy

still being goofy

lets ride!

Tiffany going across the water...this was the funnest part

Rebecca going across

our view..beautiful

they also had little goats tied up around the course


 After we got done riding we went back to the room and got dress for dinner..

We stepped into our PWOC room and had an icebreaker and prayer for supper. Then we drove about ten minutes down the road to a little restaurant. Rebecca and me loved the view on the other side of the road so we crossed it and took some pictures.

walking up to our restaurant 

This was a traditional Korean restaurant and we had to take our shoes off at the door.

that stuff in the bottom left corner was awesome..pretty much fried veggies

this room was really tiny for the amount of people in it

After we got done eating we all went back to the hotel and did our own thing..I went back to the PWOC room and talked with some other ladies and painted my nails with them.

In the morning ..we all had this really awesome breakfast. This place had everything you can imagine on it..

French toast, pineapple, sausage, bacon and yes..broccoli soup...this place had much much more than breakfast..lots of lunch like foods

Son , Kelly and Deb getting some omelets

more of the buffet line
 After breakfast we went back to the PWOC room where we had a study on what our strengths in leadership was. I learned that I'm a relationship builder. There are 4 different types :Relationship builder, Executor, Influencer and Strategic Thinking.
It's kind of funny that Andrew is all of the others and I'm just one.

I haven't read the book yet..but this is based off the book..

they had us take a quiz that's in the book before we left for the trip

It helps determined what kind of leader you's not Christian based but
since we all have different gifts from God...we need to know how we can use each other for the Church as a whole. You would never want to ask me to help with influencing someone to do's not my strong point..but you could ask me to love on someone and make sure they feel included.

Anyways..It was really fun finding out who was what...everybodys personality was dead on.

My group of Relationship Builders

 After the session was over we took a break and went out to the lobby where a Korean wedding was taking place. In Korean tradition, everyone takes a picture with the Bride before the wedding..even the groom sees the bride. a bad picture of her


Inside the wedding

got a picture with the bridesmaid 

 I bet those Koreans were like...who are these Americans taking pictures at our wedding?? but really ..I don't think they minded

All the ladies

After PWOC pictures.. we saw that the wedding was taking place and the doors were we got more pics

After that we all went to go eat some lunch...

this was soo good!

After lunch some of us went to Starbucks and got some dessert then back to the hotel to finish our retreat. We got to worship the Lord..and the Holy Spirit was strong in our worship. I'm so glad I got to be apart of this retreat and got to spend time with some awesome women!

Until next time!
God Bless!


  1. So glad you had a wonderful retreat. Seems like you had lots of fun! Missing you lots. Love you always!

  2. Coby,
    The retreat looked like a lot of fun! Glad you could get away with girl friends! The Korean wedding was cool! I would be just like you--sneaking lots of pictures. Love the pic of you with the bridesmaid.
