Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A little bit of everything

First off...since I haven't wrote in a while..this post will have a little bit of everything that has been going on ..

(All this happened while Andrew was back in The States...for those who didn't know..Andrew flew back to The States for 2 weeks for a class he needed to take)

  Starting with a sweet package from Mackey and Story's sweet aunt Nancy and Sherry!

You can't really tell by the way they are in the picture..but the girls were so excited to receive these adorable outfits...they actually wore them this past Sunday and everyone we walked by told us how precious the girls looked.

We were showered with packages this day and some flip flops I ordered Mackey on Amazon came in as well. I was so pleased to see that they fit her well.
Every girl (and women) needs a little sparkle in their life.

Now I have to find some for Story..cause she was a bit jealous of Mack's flops. :)

...later that evening Camp Walker was having a campout out on the baseball fields. We did not camp out..but we joined the festivities.

When we got there...we headed straight to the bouncy house!

After about 10 or 15 minutes of that we went on over to the face painting. It was put on by the girl scouts.
Mack wanted a tree...I think only because the girl that was painting faces had one on her..but a tree it was!

 Story decided on a Rainbow...suits her personality.

The girls scouts weren't busy at all..so after they got done with one cheek..they painted the other one as well.

Story wanted a flower this time

Mackey liked Story's rainbow and requested it for the other cheek

The artist in me wanted to join in painting with them...so next we went to paint Mask. The paint supplies at this station wasn't that great..but we made due...the water looked like it hadn't been dumped and refreshed in a while...that's probably why Mackey's mask turned out all black..that and she liked mixing all the colors together.

See what I mean with her paint pallet?
We spent a good bit of time painting our masks then headed back to the bouncy house. The only thing is that the girls got to bounce just about 5 minutes and then they closed it. If I knew they were going to close it so soon..I wouldn't have made them get off of it to get their face painted and painting mask..those stations stayed open all night. I felt really bad...

After we left the bounce house we went to sit down and watch a race the scouts were doing.

Story has gotten into the bad habit of chewing on things

tried to get all three of us

After the race we called it a night

We then went over to the PX...I texted the Masons to see if they'd like to go eat at Italy Italy with us..Jenna said she would but Madison was asleep and Matt said he would stay with her. 

While we waited..we sat in the car and put our Masks on and made silly faces.

Mackey's face (love)

We had a great time..it was so funny though..while I had my mask on ..a guy walked past our car..and I think I scared him...then he started laughing at us.

Oh how I love Italy Italy!!! I believe it's better than Olive Garden!!

All gone! And that was a big plate!

That next Sunday we went to church..I just thought they were so cute that day..so I took some pictures.

Later that week ..We painted rocks to go in our front yard.

Story's before

Mackey's before

One of mine

One of mine

accuse the naked body

Final outcome
 We also went to the post office this week and got a special package from Maw Maw(Andrew's Grandmother). It had all kinds of stuff..the girls loved the new barbies..

Showing off their angel necklaces

We also went to the PX around night time..since Mommy doesn't get to do that when daddy is here ;)

They girls like to take pictures while I shop.

I had more pictures from this week..but they were all from Mackey ..and if you'd like to see them..they are in the previous post...I also took the girls to see Heaven in For Real by myself...which was fun..haha..not :)

We made it through though and we had a pretty good time while daddy was away. Mackey was sad mostly at night ...missing her daddy. She was afraid he wasn't coming back. 

That made me think...I can't imagine what someone goes through who loses a spouse...especially with young kids that can't understand.....how hard it would be. Let just say..we were praying each night for  Daddy to get back to us safely!

Well..thats enough for tonight....I know I say at the end of my posts what I will be posting on the next day..but this will be more of...what I will be posting next about and not when, since I'm not posting everyday now...

I'll talk about my PWOC retreat stuff!

God Bless!

OH YES! I found out that the girls are going to be starting PRESCHOOL TOMORROW!! Please be in prayer for me..I don't know how I'm going to do with them being gone. Thank you!


  1. Great pictures and great day! Proud of you and how you did with Andrew gone! Love and miss you all!

  2. Thanks for being a Christian Mother and thanks for teaching the girls about prayer. So glad he hears us when we pray. I think you guys should come home soon...for a very LONG visit!
