Monday, May 5, 2014

Mackey's First Tball Game

Saturday was Mackey's first T-ball game. God was truly with me on this day because I had slept with Mackey in her bed the night before and I was thinking the whole time that we were going to sleep in late and just lay around all morning. Right as I woke up in the morning..He reminded me that Mackey's Tball game was that morning. Thank you Lord. He was doing all kinds of stuff for me that day..too many things to remember to tell ya'll ..but trust me..I'm usually a hot mess..and I still was ..He just reminded of these things right before I needed them. I don't know if that made any sense...but any who!!
We actually got there 20 minutes early ! YAY

If you can't tell..we are going to be called the San Francisco Giants
 They haven't gotten the shirts printed on them cause it's a Korean Holiday and nobody is working..

Story is ready for the game!

Getting ready to Play


 We bat first..

Aren't they cute!

Mackey up to BAT

Good Hit Mac!


Poor baby..her hat gave her problems all game!

She wanted to run to second..

Mackey on second!

Go Home MAC!

Sharing third

Focused :)

Oh...yes..she did come from her father.

I want a ball!

Then she got a little silly....

Oh yes..that's my child

She was dancing..

and talking to herself

Then she started messing with the coach 

After that my camera went dead..But I have happy with what I got.

I did get some picture with my phone though

I think she had a good time..but that last inning she wasn't having it..she was over it! She stood there and looked at me the whole time this is enough.

When we got home she told me that she didn't like Tball and she didn't want to do it. I told her that we signed up for we are going to see it through.

But today I told her..Hey Mac! We have Tball practice tomorrow and she was excited and said Yay..I love TBALL..she can be so funny sometimes.

I do wish Andrew could have been here to see her first Tball game.. these girls are growing up so fast!

Well..speaking of growing up fast...I loved going to bed with Mackey. She and I just lay there and talk about everything. She is such a smart little girl and she loves sharing what's on her mind with me. The other night we talked for the longest time..she said..Ok..momma..its time to go to bed now.

I have many other pictures to share with ya'll and I will share them tomorrow..PROMISE..I'm going to write that post tonight just to make sure I don't forget!

Love to all...and I hope God Blesses your day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Coby, I laughed out loud with some of these pictures! They are so good and capture the true Mac! Enjoyed so much seeing y'all this morning. Miss you so much. Love to you all!
