Monday, June 23, 2014

It's been way too long

It's been way too long since I wrote a blog post... I'd like to give Andrew some of the credit for how long its been since he is the one that left me without a computer to work with :) jk
Since I have way too much to share with you..this post will be just mostly pictures..with a few words here and there. I would break up the post and comment more on each thing we did while I was away from blog land ...but I simply don't remember them enough to do that ..hehe!

So here we go...where I left off was the weekend we went back to the place I had the PWOC retreat (we went back the next weekend with our church's spring retreat ha!)
I thought the girls would love to ride the RV's so that's what we did first thing when we got there.

Poor Story's helmet was too big

Being goofy is how we roll
 After RVing..we walked into a little coffee shop and got some drinks and what we thought were some grapes for the girls(they had cups of grapes in one of the window thingys and we asked for some . When we received our order they had turned our grapes into a was pretty funny..we were so confused at first.

This was the girls first Day of Preschool

sure..why not have a cookie right before I drop you off at school for the first time!

  Second day of Preschool

While the girls were gone..Jenna and I took Kelly to her first Seomun Market Trip
Ice-cream in a cereal like cone thingy

That weekend Mr.Kim and Mrs.Song (Mr. Kim's wife..they don't take their husband's name) took us and the girls out to eat and downtown shopping. They loved holding hands with the they don't have any of their own (yet).

We decided to get some ice-cream...yum!

The berry one was my favorite...

Story wanting water in her bucket to clean one day.

One day before school we decided to be goofy and take pictures

 Going out to eat the day before Daddy left to go back to the Roses were so pretty at that time..I wanted the girls to get a picture in front of them before I killed the plant..ha

I've been trying different hairstyles on Mackey lately

Well...until I went and got her hair cut...blah!!!! I asked for a trim and Mackey got most of her hair cut off :(

waiting for her turn
 I made sure that she didn't do to Story what she did to Mackey.

Oh..the night all the madness happened..We just left church and hopped on over to Italy Italy for some dinner to go. After we got home I started to get all the food ready on plates and meanwhile Story said she had to tee potty and off she went. A few moments later she can running in the kitchen butt naked and got a towel. She has tee tee in her panties..or in the floor I thought to I went after her. When I came upon the scene of the bathroom she was trying to wipe up blue cough medicine off the floor. On the sink counter was the cap that the medicine comes with to measure how much to give and it was full. The whole bottle was empty ..but I didn't know if was from her spilling it on the floor or that she had been drinking it. So I checked her mouth...thank you Lord blue. (it usually stains their mouth)

I don't know about you..but we spank our kids. I knew that she needed to know that this stuff was bad news and not to be mess with again. So I spanked her pretty hard and told her never to touch it again. poor Story can get quite worked up when she gets in trouble. She had had a cough on and off for the past week (hence the cough medicine). She was coughing and crying so hard that she began to  throw up (not her first time doing this before)...but then I saw BLOOD. Then she threw blood up again and again. This is where I FREAKED OUT..
I am SOO not good at things like this..I just started crying out Lord Please Help My Baby as ran around the house trying to figure out what to do. I was trying to call Andrew (he was back in the states..sleeping ) answer..then my answer..then I tried to call the fire department answer ( they have a weird way you have to call by cell phone and I wasn't sure I was dialing right (or thinking right at the time) ) so I put some clothes on her and left the house..running from house to house for someone to be home. Finally I came upon Jenna's neighbor and they answer...Jenna finally came over and she answer..

So Jenna's neighbors took me to the emergency place and we hoped in an ambulance off to the hosptial. Jenna was so helpful..she asked me what I needed and headed over to my place to get my stuff (Id card..wallet..a blanket for Story) little did I know that I was going to staying in the hospital for 3 days.

They bought her in and I had a million people ask me what the situation was over and over. I know they were trying to get everything right(since the language barrier)..but I was so tired of having to say everything over and over. Finally..they took an x-ray of her chest and said that she has mild pneumonia. She was coughing up blood cause she probably busted a blood vessel when she coughed.

I believe that God put all that mess of a situation together so I would get her to a hospital and find out that she had pneumonia. Everyone at the hospital was so nice . One of my friends here, Tiffany, was so sweet and took care of Mackey for 3 days...she also brought me the rest of the stuff I needed for the stay. God surely put the right people in my life to help me in this situtation and I am so thankful!
she hated her IV at first ..but did so good when they put it in..she was such a big girl!

tired baby

Feeling better

she loved the soup

Mr. Kim and Mrs. Song came by and bought us doughnuts

she was getting so tired of being in the hospital by the third day

YAY..we get to go home!!!
Story was doing so good the night after we got out of the hospital we went for ice-cream with Tiffany and her boys.

That Sunday Camp Walker hosted a Gospel Extravaganza ...all the churches contributed singing and they had hotdogs and cupcakes and bouncy houses

We didn't stay for was really hot and I didn't want Mackey and Story out too long.

Random bear with Story

The night daddy came home..we waited for him at the front gate..I asked the girls what they wanted to say to daddy when he got home and made them a sign to color.

I do hope I get better at getting back to blogging..I know lots of you have been waiting for a new one!

Love to all and may God bless you!